I have to admit that I am shocked. I did not see a gracious way for that to happen. But in conference with Willy Rice, Dr. Carson has decided not to appear at the SBC Pastors’ Conference.
You can read Willy Rice’s article announcing the withdrawal here. (http://www.calvary.us/pages/page.asp?page_id=296405&articleId=48662)
I want to say two things.
1. This is probably the best possible outcome. Presidential candidates at Pastors Conferences is not a good idea.
2. I feel bad for Willy Rice. He is a good man who is in a position where he simply CANNOT please everyone.
I mean, look at this site. With our relatively small audience, I never publish anything that doesn’t bring my motives, Christianity, wisdom, ethics or sanity into question. That’s just on a blogging community.
Selecting 12 speakers for a PC at the SBC? You are doomed!
I appreciate the work Pastor Rice does and I sympathize with him for the position he has been in, even though he I strongly disagreed with the decision to invite Carson.
Let’s pray that this PC will be a great blessing.