Each year the SBC Voices blog hosts a dinner during the Southern Baptist Convention for contributors and commenters. We usually meet at a local restaurant and everyone buys their own meal. Because we are expecting a larger crowd than usual and because the restaurant selection in the immediate downtown area of Phoenix is limited, we are doing things a little differently this year.
We will be meeting in the Governor’s Room at the Hotel San Carlos on Tuesday, June 13 at 5pm. The meal is being catered by Fired Pie in Phoenix. The menu will be pizza, salad, dessert, and drink. The cost is $10 plus a small charge from Eventbrite.
It is our hope that many SBC Voices contributors and commenters will be able to make it to this event. This is a time for those of us who interact over the internet throughout the year to get together face to face. We also encourage the Pastors’ Conference speakers, scholarship recipients, and Dave Miller groupies to join us for this event.
So that we be sure that we order enough food, registration will close at 7pm on Sunday, June 11. We cannot accept registrations at the door. There will be no refunds for canceled registrations. Please contact me at pastoradamblosser[at]gmail.com if you have any questions.
You can register by clicking here.