We get a lot of comments here at SBC Voices. Most are thoughtful and helpful. Some are bewildering, petulant, even mean. A few I have to delete.
But every once in a while I read a comment and think it should be a post of its own. One such comment appeared on Thursday, from Randall Cofield. I only read it because I saw Jeremy Parks reference it in our “Reader Comments” sidebar. But I did not hold Jeremy’s praise against Randall and I went ahead and read the comment.
Wow. Gold medal/Hall of Fame stuff!
Here is the comment (made at 11:11 PM on 10/4) from Randall Cofield.
Cooperation (the very essence of the CP) in any endeavor requires both maturity and the ability to wisely compromise on non-essential points of difference…for the sake of a worthy objective.
In relation to the Great Commission, the oft-cited axiom “in essential things,unity; in non-essential things, liberty; in all things, charity” comes to mind.
Brothers, the fundamental problem plaguing the SBC (and the CP) in our generation is this: We apparently lack the maturity and wisdom to distinguish between essential things and non-essential things. And we are demonstrating precious little charity in anything.
The lost now in eternity don’t give a rip whether we are Calvinists or non-Calvinists, Cessationists or non-Cessationists. They died without Christ, and they are in hell while we quibble over non-essential things.
Nero’s fiddling while Rome burned pales in comparison…
Chew on that one for a while, folks!