So you all know by now that I am not a Calvinist, I am a Wovenist, but as a Wovenist, there are some attributes of Calvinism that I agree with. Wovenists affirm election and predestination without destroying man’s choice and responsibility. In my Bible Reading, I am continuing to develop the theological points of Wovenism as I find how God continues to intersect with us.
One of the things I have always been torn about is Limited Atonement. I know and believe that Christ died for the whole world, and His blood could cover the sins of every person who ever existed. The the other hand, the blood of Christ covers the sins of those who are saved, people who are separated from Christ are not covered in the blood. I have always had reservations with saying things like “the blood of Christ doesn’t have any effect until you accept it” because that seems to me the say the death didn’t complete the atonement. As I was thinking threw it, I has a perspective on Limited Atonement, and I wanted to share it with you.
Imagine a town with a restaurant and there was an invitation for everyone to come to the restaurant that evening. The mayor, who was a very rich man, said he was going to pay the bill for everyone who eats there that night. Some come, enjoy a meal covered by the mayor. Some come, but only drink water and don’t enjoy dinner. Some show up but after seeing how full the place is, they leave, and some don’t come at all. Who did the mayor pay for?
Of course the mayor only paid for those who ate the meal, there was no charge for those who didn’t. Those who ate, of course they ordered and ate, but did not earn or merit the dinner in doing so. The invitation was offered and they simply came.
Of course when you start throwing in predestination and election, the metaphor breaks down, but it’s not an all inclusive metaphor, it just works for Limited Atonement, so just look at it in that context. Those are my thoughts for today, let me know your thoughts and reflections.