I became the interim editor of SBC Voices about a month ago. You may have noticed that nothing has drastically changed around here. I don’t have some grand vision for the site. I’m just holding the fort down for a few months while our fearless leader focuses on the Pastor’s Conference. But I thought it would be good for me to give you an idea of my philosophy in leading the site. So, like a good Baptist preacher, I have three points.
- It’s called SBC Voices
This is a blog focused on the Southern Baptist Convention. Prior to becoming a contributor and now interim editor, I did not come to SBC Voices to do my devotions. I came here to discuss things going on within the Southern Baptist Convention. I came to get news that I had not seen in other places, and discuss that news with people of various perspectives. I intend to maintain that focus.
We do sometimes post articles that are more devotional in nature. We do post articles about various things going on within the broader evangelical world. Some political posts even showed up here from time to time during the election.
But this blog is primarily about the SBC. You can submit articles that are not even remotely related to the SBC and I will consider them. You can certainly submit articles that are loosely related, and they will likely be posted. But the highest priority will be given to articles addressing SBC related issues.
- It’s called SBC Voices.
Okay, this point is the same as the first one. But the emphasis is now on the last word. This site is not about one voice. I desire to have various viewpoints represented on the site. The goal is not to provide a platform for myself and those agree with me. My goal is to have posts that represent a variety of viewpoints across the spectrum of SBC life.
Now, there are limits. Strongly worded posts are fine. Vitriolic hit pieces won’t be posted. It may sometimes appear that SBC Voices is pro this or that. Perhaps it seems that we are on one particular side of a certain issue. If it appears that way, it’s because those are the articles that have been written and submitted.
If you see an article about an issue in SBC life, and you have a different opinion, write an article from your perspective. Send it to me at pastoradamblosser[at]gmail[dot]com. And if it’s a well-written article providing a differing perspective, I’ll be happy to post it. So, keep that in mind as you read. Me allowing an article to be posted does not equal endorsement.
- Light-handed comment moderation.
Everyone has a different idea about this one. I do not like to delete comments. I much prefer to allow the discussion to go on without my interference. That doesn’t mean I’ll never interfere. We’ve had some racists show up before who needed to be shut down and were. Sometimes things turn personal, and I do not plan to allow that. But for the most part, I will allow the discussion to continue.
One of the things that makes this site great is the comments section. It is a place where Southern Baptists can come to discuss the various issues within our convention. It’s good to hear from other pastors and laypeople outside our local areas. It’s good to hear perspectives that are different from our own. It challenges us. And it either causes us to change our mind, or it helps us articulate why it is that we believe what we believe.
I believe I’ve benefited from this site since I first discovered it several years ago. I hope many of you have as well. I trust that SBC Voices will continue to be a place where diverse opinions are welcomed and where civil discourse can flourish.