The Empire of Evil has arisen again.
Acts 29 is known by loyal Southern Baptists to be the root of all evil – subversive Calvinists trying to undermine Baptist history and tradition.
Then, you have the Boston Red Sox. Red is the color of fire – the Lake of Fire. We know who the REAL general manager of the Boston Red Sox is! Hint: he carries a pitchfork and has a bifurcated tail.
I have secret information that Acts 29 and the Devil Sox of Boston have teamed up to form a new network of evil, called the “Boston Acts 29 Red Sox Network.” I have a secret document delineating their goals.
1) To oppose that which is good and right – the New York Yankees.
2) To get everyone drinking so that their elders can exert mind control and top-down governance over all of America, especially ESPN and the SBC.
3) To convince all Americans that the Red Sox are predestined to win the World Series (a lie – and we know where those come from).
Please, write your congressman. Contact your City Council. Call the Boston Red Sox home office (1-800-wecheat).
All that it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing!