“Yes, I also ask you, true partner, to help these WOMEN who have CONTENDED FOR THE GOSPEL at my side…” Philippians 4:2
Ladies, we are not secondary to gospel ministry. Our job here on this earth isn’t JUST to make things pretty and sweet and delicate and feed the men and build them up. Note: I said JUST. (I actually want and enjoy doing those things…well, maybe not so much the delicate part.) We are GOOD at those things and we should do them.
But we, LADIES, are CONTENDERS FOR THE GOSPEL. BY THEIR SIDES. Don’t ever think for a second that God doesn’t intend to use you, woman, for the sake of the gospel. That we are intended to just sit in the background while the men do all the heavy lifting of the gospel. That we are off the hook because we are “just” the helpmates. That our part in the gospel is only to decorate the church and cook the meals and do crafts with the children. All good and necessary and profitable things and they are USEFUL TOOLS for proclaiming the gospel, and if you like those things and are gifted in those things, do them (with the gospel in mind.) But they are not THE Thing. They are not the Mission. Don’t sell your gospel-mandate short and please, please, PLEASE don’t use your femininity as an excuse, either. We are talking about eternity here.
I’m sorry, but I shall not be “going home.”
And come on, we all know that those brothers can’t finish the job without us. (That was a joke, people. Relax.)
Etta Waller Linton lives with her busband Michael, and their children, in Sulphur, Louisiana.