Having previously listed twenty reasons why I believed Southern Baptists would have been better off NOT giving our blessing to the use of an inwardly divisive and outwardly confusing descriptor, I must now concede the historical fact that, according to the will of 53% of voting messengers in New Orleans (or a total of 2,546 Southern Baptists) who decided to affirm this approach, whether we like it or not, churches and entities may now adopt, with the convention’s approval, the optional replacement name “Great Commission Baptists” when referring to the Southern Baptist Convention.
I realize it has only been a bit more than a week, but websites can be changed in a matter of minutes. Has anyone seen or heard of any entity, church, agency, seminary or other institution in Southern Baptist life that has already begun using the descriptor in any manner at all? I’m not sure who will be first or how they will go about it, but I would love to know which Southern Baptist church, agency or organization is the first to adopt the moniker’s use either through print or electronic media.
If you see or hear of any descriptor sightings, please list them in this comment stream as they come in. In light of the groundswell of support I kept hearing about concerning so many organizations clamoring for this change, I would have expected to see the descriptor’s usage almost immediately after its passage last week. Where are all these Great Commission Baptists?