If you haven’t seen the clip of the Warriors pranking their backup center or Angels players embarrassing one if their pitchers, then maybe we should have gone ahead with some of the plans we discussed to publish some April Fools Day articles. We batted around some titles but ended up rejecting them all.
Here are some of the rejected titles, which we considered too absurd to be believed:
1. Socialist leading Dem race; Bernie gaining ground.
2. Serial adulterer, misogynist, racially provocative Donald Trump leads race for GOP nomination.
3. Wiley Drake running for president..of the USA
3. Discernment bloggers angry with Russell Moore, LifeWay, and pretty much everything the SBC does. Oh, wait, never mind.
4. Liberty University Chancellor endorses Trump and calls him Christian based on his good works.
5. Ben Carson, after enduring weeks of abuse from Trump, endorses him as president.
6. New England chooses to kick off into the wind in OT in a game that costs them home field in the playoffs, cementing Belichick’s reputation as the greatest football genius ever.
7. Donald Trump changes his position on abortion 4 times in one day. Support in polls likely rises.
8. Sports Illustrated’s experts have picked the winners of the Super Bowl, World Series, and NCAA Final Four wrong for the 10th straight year.
9. Christian alternative to the Onion sets Christian social media buzzing.
10. Donald Trump said something else offensive, and his poll numbers rose again.
Nah. No one would believe that stuff.