Did you know that the SBC website has church job listings throughout the country? Some of those vacancies could use a little extra advertising, so I’ve taken it upon myself to highlight one every once in a while (with a little humor mixed in).
The First Baptist Church of Des Moines is looking for their next pastor. No, not that Des Moines. It might be dangerous living that close to Dave. I’m talking about the one in New Mexico. Never heard of it? Well, that may have something to do with its population, which currently stands at about 128 people. The county — about half the size of New Jersey — had 4,549 people, but hey, it was only the 4th least populous county in New Mexico. The church describes itself as “mature,” “elder-led,” and located in a “tiny, rural, northeastern NM, ranching community.”
You should not be surprised that this vacancy is bi-vocational. FBC Des Moines is offering $1200 a month, plus a parsonage. Since cattle ranching seems to be the big business in Des Moines, presumably one of the congregants could hire you as a ranch hand to make up the other half of that bi-vocational calling.
For specific qualifications, the church seeks an applicant who is friendly, outgoing, and male. He should also model “strong Biblical teaching, with expository preaching preferred.” Note that preferred implies some level of topical preaching may be tolerated, but I don’t think that means you can go all Andy Stanley on them.
What can I say about the location? It’s been a little difficult to find out much beyond what I’ve already told you. Trip Advisor had some photos and reviews. The town boasts a Mexican and American restaurant. The burritos look fantastic, though I’m not sure whether they qualify as Mexican or American (believe it or not, this is a debated issue in my Spanish-speaking circles). Another traveler who gave it five stars was most impressed by the cleanliness of the restroom, of which he provided a photo. The town is also right next to a chain of extinct volcanoes, so … hiker’s paradise?
I realize a bi-vocational pastorate in the middle of nowhere won’t appeal to many (I grew up in a different part of nowhere, so I can say that). I recommend someone single, perhaps in their early 20s, who could commit to a year or two, just like the short-term missionaries who serve with the International Mission Board. In the context of an elder-led church, this might be the opportunity for someone to learn and grow under the oversight of wiser, older men.
If you feel God is calling you to serve at First Baptist Church, you can find information on how to apply here. Tell them you heard about it on SBC Voices, and drop me a line if they call you to serve. God bless.