It appears that LifeWay Trustees may be realizing the damaging optics of this lawsuit they instigated against Thom Ranier, the well-respected former CEO of LifeWay.
I was given a statement distributed by Todd Fannin, Chairman of the Board, written to the Trustees, but released to the press.
The Trustee Executive Committee met today to discuss the most recent developments with Dr. Rainer.
While there have been numerous public misstatements and inaccuracies surrounding this matter, we have been and continue to be hopeful that we may resolve this issue with Dr. Rainer regarding his agreement with LifeWayand his partnership with a competitor. In lieu of moving forward with litigation, both parties are currently exploring the possibility of an agreed upon resolution of the differences. Our continued prayer is that this will be resolved quickly and amicably.
In order to give appropriate time for continued discussion with Dr. Rainer to take place, the executive committee passed a resolution postponing this afternoon’s trustee meeting. The executive committee is asking trustees and all Southern Baptists to join us in a season of prayer. This period will also allow us to provide full and accurate information to each board member.
Again, there will be no board meeting today, and you can expect additional information this week. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach to me or one of the other board officers.
Todd Fannin
Chairman of the Board
LifeWay Christian Resources
1. It appears that LifeWay’s Trustees have realized that this lawsuit was ill-advised and unnecessary.
2. This action is the right one. My only question is why it wasn’t done 24 to 28 hours earlier. This is what should have happened BEFORE Ben Mandrell led LifeWay to sue a well-respected Southern Baptist statesman.
3. I am a tad annoyed by the non-specific accusations of “public misstatements and inaccuracies.” As someone who has published two articles, I can tell you I’ve checked my information with people “in the know.”
4. The problem with so many of our trustee actions is that they spend more time trying to control information than they do seeking to make the truth plain. I have made every effort to publish accurate information. If they want to correct it, correct it. These passive-aggressive, non-specific gripings about “inaccuracies” are tired and worn-out.
5. The more information I have received, the more inclined I am to believe in full the statement provided by Dr. Rainer and posted in the Houston Chronicle (and my previous article). It appears that LifeWay leaped into a lawsuit without making an attempt to resolve this. If this information is inaccurate, LifeWay would do well to produce evidence to demonstrate this.
6. Todd Fannin promises information to LifeWay trustees. He (and Ben Mandrell) need to explain to all of Southern Baptists why they did this thing. Why did they enter into a lawsuit against a Southern Baptist statesman without seeking to resolve it first?
Please, this is not the time to go into executive session. You owe an explanation to ALL of us for this.
UPDATE: You will note a redacted email in the comments, from a LifeWay trustee., posted by Ben Cole.