I received this from Rodney Hammer today, as a follow up to the post we’ve been discussing here all day. While I did not agree with his point of view in that post, I fully support Rodney in this effort, and encourage all of you to give to this worthy effort. We must support the missionaries!
From Rodney:
“I am told that it is too late regarding Phase 1 and IMB Voluntary Retirement Incentives. There will be many returning missionaries to the States.
Many are asking what we are doing to prepare to help returning missionaries. One, I’ve requested our Association churches to assist and I’ve begun a Go Fund Me campaign to raise funds to help with transitional housing, transportation and other needs.
Here is the link for any who would like to assist. https://de.gofund.me/returnedmissionary
All funds besides the platform and processing fees will go to assisting returning missionaries.
Thank you and please continue to pray for our missionaries.
Rodney Hammer