We are a few days away from another SBC Annual Meeting. Usually, I await this annual pilgrimage with eager anticipation. I love the fellowship, networking, reunion with old friends, meeting of new people, learning about the work of our entities and auxiliaries, politicking, tweeting, free books, preaching, prayer, testimonies and general camaraderie of gathering with messengers from across the nation. This year, however, I have a healthy dose of dread to go along with it. These past few weeks and months have been draining and disheartening to say the least. There are still major questions up … [Read more...] about In Light of All This Mess – My Hopes for the SBC
You CAN come to #SBC18 even when money is tight
My first SBC annual meeting was in Atlanta in 1999. I was a young church planter and like many young ministers, we had very little money. I wanted to go and participate in our denomination's annual meeting and attend my first Convention. I made the decision to go late, actually 1 week before the meeting. But I also had the problem of funds. I asked my wife if I could go and she reluctantly gave me her blessing… if I could do it for $100 because that’s all we had available at the time. I accepted the challenge and attended my first Convention. I made a quick plan. I made a reservation at the … [Read more...] about You CAN come to #SBC18 even when money is tight
From the Voice that Matters Most – Walk Worthy In Marriage (Ephesians 5:25-28)
We share our opinions and insights at SBC Voices, but we believe that the Voice that matters most is the one that comes from God’s Word. We present these daily expositional devotions, beginning with a tour of Ephesians called, “Walk Worthy,” in hopes of encouraging our readers to remember to Voice above every voice. Ephesians 5:25-28 (CSB): Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of water by the word. 27 He did this to present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or … [Read more...] about From the Voice that Matters Most – Walk Worthy In Marriage (Ephesians 5:25-28)
From the Voice that Matters Most: Eph 2:5-10 — Meditating on God’s Grace
This passage continues the thought of what God has done for us in Christ and what the Grace of God has brought to the life of the believer. For me, the practical outcome of this passage (and really all of what we have studied so far in Ephesians) is learning to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. To remind myself daily of its truth and live a life that flows from it. To not only rely on the message for my eternity, but to be transformed by it day by day. Believers need to understand, meditate on, embrace, and live out the reality of this gospel – what God has done for us and who we are in … [Read more...] about From the Voice that Matters Most: Eph 2:5-10 — Meditating on God’s Grace
Consecration – Making an active choice to follow the Lord
Joshua 3:5 Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Moses had died. The generation that fled from Egypt had passed. Now, after 40 years in the wilderness, the people of Israel had a new leader and a new promise from God. As they stood on the banks of the Jordan, ready to enter the promised land, Joshua commanded the people to “consecrate” themselves. They were to prepare themselves for what God would do in them and through them. God was about to stop up the Jordan river so that the people would walk across on dry ground – a … [Read more...] about Consecration – Making an active choice to follow the Lord
Weigh In: The Most Memorable Pastors’ Conference Sermons
I’ve been attending the SBC Pastor’s Conference and Annual Meeting since 1999. Every year I've been encouraged and strengthened by the messages. I'm looking forward to Dallas and what looks to be a great lineup of preachers. As I anticipate another great pastor's conference, I thought I'd share some of the highlights for me from past years. (Note: Interpret the title as the most memorable sermons to Todd. In the comments, I'd love to hear what sermons have been memorable to you.) These are a few sermons that have made a lasting impact: James McDonald, June 12 2016, … [Read more...] about Weigh In: The Most Memorable Pastors’ Conference Sermons
The Legacy of Pastor Shane Hall: “Christ is Enough!”
This may be the most difficult blog post I’ve ever written. My brother, Shane Hall, is with the Lord. I've been given the task of writing this post in honor of Shane and representing all of us here at SBC Voices as we mourn his passing, pray for his wife and girls, and express our love and admiration for this godly pastor. Each of us has been praying for him and have been blessed in different ways by his life and ministry. I personally feel this loss deeply and wanted to share a bit more story as a way of honoring him as he honored our Lord. I first heard of Shane's cancer as he was praying … [Read more...] about The Legacy of Pastor Shane Hall: “Christ is Enough!”
“Baptist in the Holy Spirit” – Here are all the links
Dave just shared a condensed version of his study on the Holy Spirit at Midwest Advance in Springfield, Illinois. If you've never read Dave's "continuationist" theory of the role of the Holy Spirit or you were at Dave's breakout and want to read him explain his view in more detail, here are the links to each of his previous blog posts on the topic: Baptist in the Spirit, Part 1: One Thing Changed Baptist in the Spirit Part 2: Overview Baptist in the Spirit, Part 3: The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Baptist in the Spirit, part 4: Old Testament Pentecostal Power? Baptist … [Read more...] about “Baptist in the Holy Spirit” – Here are all the links
Before the #metoo moment: Act NOW to address sexual assault in your church
At this moment in our culture, the sin of sexual assault and abuse and our culture’s failure to address it is being brought to light. Each day we hear another story of past abuse as women come forward to tell their story – "it happened to #metoo." The religious community is not immune to this moment, as God uncovers the hidden sin of sexual abuse and assault in the church. It happens in the #churchtoo! Women are courageously telling their story of abuse and how the church failed to address it, often enabling the abuser and silencing the victim. If there is sexual assault and abuse in the … [Read more...] about Before the #metoo moment: Act NOW to address sexual assault in your church
Nine Shining Moments in the SBC in 2017
'Tis the season for looking back over the past year and remembering significant moments. I thought I’d review a few of what I thought were great moments in the SBC in 2017. These are my own observations from my limited scope, but were to me evidences of grace in the denomination I call my home. Gateway Seminary and Lifeway dedicate new buildings A small but bright point for me: Southern Baptists making fiscally sound decisions and moving to facilities that are progressive and make economical sense. After years of struggles with zoning boards and other obstacles to growth, … [Read more...] about Nine Shining Moments in the SBC in 2017