Baptism is not merely a doctrine; it is a command. In the Great Commission the church is commanded to baptize disciples. If you are an unbaptized disciple and I make no effort to baptize you, that’s neither kindness, nor humility, nor generosity; it is simply disobedience. It is the valuing of my relationship with you as your friend over my relationship with Christ as His servant.
Granted, there is difference of opinion over whether one is or is not baptized when one has been sprinkled with water contrary to one’s will. But I write for those who are of the opinion that baptism is the immersion of believers in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For you, to know that a disciple is unbaptized and to make no effort to baptize that believer is disobedience.
That point, so plain in scripture, is totally missed in this article.
Today’s uncharacteristically brief blog posting offered just to confound my friend Wes Kenney.