Since Bryant Wright appointed the Task Force to study the name change last fall, the Baptist world has been abuzz, not only discussing the name-change idea itself, but also dissecting the details and debating the advisability of the appointment of the task force.
Being sensitive to the criticisms of the criticizers who criticized him critically, he has announced a proactive response.
He has notified the Executive Committee of the SBC that he has appointed a Blue Ribbon Task Force to study the advisability of presidential appointments of task forces. The task force will be asked to pay its own expenses to Hawaii for the monthly Task Force meetings.
The presidents of all six seminaries, NAMB, IMB, LifeWay, the pastors of the 10 largest Calvinist SBC churches (in which the pastor does not wear a tie and has some form of facial hair) and a couple of well-known pastors’ wives have been named to the task force.
Several Executive Committee members expressed apprehension at the appointment of another task force. Those who complained were summarily executed.