Many of you know our fearless leader, Southern Hills pastor, SBC Voices Editor, #SBCPC17 President Dave Miller has been facing some serious health challenges this year. After getting really sick during his time doing missions work in Africa, then continuing to feel bad after the trip, Dave's doctors realized surgery would be required. A few tests later and they figured out there was more to the story. Cancer. But praise God it was detected early. Thanks to months of feeling terrible, kidney cancer was diagnosed long before any symptoms showed up. God's grace sometimes comes in unexpected … [Read more...] about Help Us Help Dave Miller – GoFundMe for Medical Costs
SBC Pastors' Conference
Weigh In: The Most Memorable Pastors’ Conference Sermons
I’ve been attending the SBC Pastor’s Conference and Annual Meeting since 1999. Every year I've been encouraged and strengthened by the messages. I'm looking forward to Dallas and what looks to be a great lineup of preachers. As I anticipate another great pastor's conference, I thought I'd share some of the highlights for me from past years. (Note: Interpret the title as the most memorable sermons to Todd. In the comments, I'd love to hear what sermons have been memorable to you.) These are a few sermons that have made a lasting impact: James McDonald, June 12 2016, … [Read more...] about Weigh In: The Most Memorable Pastors’ Conference Sermons
The Legacy of Pastor Shane Hall: “Christ is Enough!”
This may be the most difficult blog post I’ve ever written. My brother, Shane Hall, is with the Lord. I've been given the task of writing this post in honor of Shane and representing all of us here at SBC Voices as we mourn his passing, pray for his wife and girls, and express our love and admiration for this godly pastor. Each of us has been praying for him and have been blessed in different ways by his life and ministry. I personally feel this loss deeply and wanted to share a bit more story as a way of honoring him as he honored our Lord. I first heard of Shane's cancer as he was praying … [Read more...] about The Legacy of Pastor Shane Hall: “Christ is Enough!”
#SBCPC17 Sermons: John Onwuchekwa – Philippians 1:12-26
All of the sermons from the 2017 SBC Pastors’ Conference are available here. Over the next few weeks we will be posting the video from each sermon here at SBC Voices along with the text for that sermon from the CSB and some notable quotes from the sermon. Let us know in the comments what you most enjoyed and appreciated from each sermon. Your browser does not support iframes. Philippians 1:12-26 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually advanced the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard, and to … [Read more...] about #SBCPC17 Sermons: John Onwuchekwa – Philippians 1:12-26
The Monday Morning Prayer (by Dr. Mark Tolbert)
Monday has been given a bad rap! Perhaps the least favorite day of the week, Monday has a negative reputation. Pastors joke about how many times they have almost resigned, usually on a Monday morning. A popular song from the seventies described it like this: “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” But Monday has become one of my favorite and most strategic days of the week, since I began praying “The Monday Morning Prayer.” The Monday Morning Prayer launches me into each new week and serves as a catalyst for stimulating gospel conversations. In five decades of following Jesus, I have … [Read more...] about The Monday Morning Prayer (by Dr. Mark Tolbert)
PC Reflections from a PC Preacher (Spencer Plumlee)
The 2017 Pastors' Conference of the SBC was led by Dave Miller and his team who unapologetically structured this conference around twelve expositional preachers from average-sized churches. I had the privilege of being one of these twelve preachers. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget. To stand and preach where many of my heroes have stood and where much of the theology I believe was contended for was, in my estimation, a once in a lifetime opportunity. A few weeks removed from this experience, here are five reflections. The model for the 2017 Pastors' … [Read more...] about PC Reflections from a PC Preacher (Spencer Plumlee)
To the Minions, My Mighty Men, the Deplorable Bad Hombres
When we decided to run for the Pastors’ Conference, it wasn’t even clear who the candidate would be. We had an idea that we liked, discussed, and agreed to, but it was only after several long discussions that we arrived at the decision that my name would be at the top. As they continually pointed out to me, that meant that I would get a lot of the credit if things went well, but that if things went bad, it would be my name attached to the stink (and they'd make sure everyone knew I'd been in charge)! I want to publicly thank the guys who helped out a couple of weeks ago in Phoenix. I sat up … [Read more...] about To the Minions, My Mighty Men, the Deplorable Bad Hombres
#SBCPC17 Sermons: David Choi – Philippians 1:1-11
All of the sermons from the 2017 SBC Pastors' Conference are available here. Over the next few weeks we will be posting the video from each sermon here at SBC Voices along with the text for that sermon from the CSB and some notable quotes from the sermon. Let us know in the comments what you most enjoyed and appreciated from each sermon. Your browser does not support iframes. Philippians 1:1-11 Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus: To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, including the overseers and deacons. 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the … [Read more...] about #SBCPC17 Sermons: David Choi – Philippians 1:1-11
Seven Take-Aways from SBCPC17 (part 1)
If you've been following the blog this year, you know about our work on the SBC Pastors' Conference and the vision that Dave cast for a different focus this year. If you missed it, the entire session is available online at I was privileged to serve with the Pastors' Conference this year and was blessed by the experience. The event itself exceeded our expectations and was a true joy to be a part of the leadership team. I am still in the after-glow after a full year of working on the project. As I reflect on the past year and the event last week, here are the … [Read more...] about Seven Take-Aways from SBCPC17 (part 1)
Some Quick #SBCPC17 Reflections
I am on my way home from Phoenix after visiting Sedona and the Grand Canyon yesterday with my lovely bride. We had a great time in Phoenix. Our parents kept our kids for us, and we were able to spend the whole week together. It's always good to get away, but we are also very ready to be home. I can't wait to hug and kiss my kids and preach on Sunday. God is good. I have lots of thoughts rolling around in my head regarding this year's SBC Pastors' Conference and Annual Meeting. Hopefully some of those thoughts will find their way to this blog in the coming week, but I thought I would … [Read more...] about Some Quick #SBCPC17 Reflections