Editor's Note: Each of the speakers for this year's SBC Pastor's Conference in Phoenix, AZ was nominated by someone. I have asked each speaker's nominator to answer a few questions about the person they nominated. Nathan Rose of Liberty Baptist Church in Liberty, MO was nominated by Darin Smith. Below are Darin's responses to the questions I sent him. How do you know Nathan? Nathan and I met in the fall of 2006 in Greek class at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. We began to minister together on the streets of Westport (an art/bar section of Kansas City) doing street evangelism … [Read more...] about SBC PC: Darin Smith Answers Some Questions about Nathan Rose
SBC Pastors' Conference
SBC PC: A Video Interview with Bart Barber
This year’s SBC Pastor’s Conference is June 11-12 in Phoenix, Arizona. The conference will feature 12 preachers who all come from average-size SBC churches. They will be preaching through the book of Philippians over the course of the two day conference. As you know, the speakers for the conference recently met at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for a colloquium. The speakers gathered to get to know one another and study Philippians with Dr. David Allen and other preaching faculty members from SWBTS and NOBTS. I had the privilege of attending the colloquium, and one of the … [Read more...] about SBC PC: A Video Interview with Bart Barber
SBC PC: John Bailey Answers Some Questions About Spencer Plumlee
Editor's Note: Each of the speakers for this year's SBC Pastor's Conference in Phoenix, AZ was nominated by someone. I have asked each speaker's nominator to answer a few questions about the person they nominated. Spencer Plumlee of Riverview Baptist Church in Osage Beach, MO was nominated by John Bailey. Below is John's responses to the questions I sent him. How do you know Spencer? I can remember a couple of years ago driving through the tiny towns near the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. My wife and I were looking for Riverview Baptist Church in Osage Beach. We were … [Read more...] about SBC PC: John Bailey Answers Some Questions About Spencer Plumlee
Reflections on the SBC Pastor’s Conference by Chris Davis
Editor's Note: The following article was written by Chris Davis. It is his reflections on being asked to preach at the SBC Pastor's Conference and his participation in the colloquium. Chris is the Pastor of Groveton Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA. This was originally posted at his church website. Before the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting each June, many pastors and church leaders gather on Sunday night and all day Monday for the SBC Pastor’s Conference. High-profile authors, speakers, and pastors are brought in to encourage those invested in the life of the … [Read more...] about Reflections on the SBC Pastor’s Conference by Chris Davis
Day 2 of the SBC PC Colloquium at SWBTS
It's been a very busy day. The speakers had a session this morning with Dr. Allen. I missed most of the information from that session because I was filming interviews with the speakers. Those interviews will show up here at SBC Voices in the near future. Going to the Chapel After the session we headed over to the chapel on campus. The chapel is a beautiful facility that was built since Dr. Patterson became President at Southwestern. Dr. Patterson told us yesterday that the facility was designed to be conducive to preaching. The purpose of going over to the chapel was to give the … [Read more...] about Day 2 of the SBC PC Colloquium at SWBTS
Day 1 of the SBC PC Colloquium at SWBTS
We had a great first day. Dave and I have both written about some of the first events of the day, but I want to give you a brief update before I hit the hay. Our First Session with Dr. Allen Dr. David Allen knocked it out of the park in our first session this afternoon with his lecture on text-driven preaching. Lots of people call their preaching expository, but often it is not text-driven. Southwestern is committed to teaching text-driven preaching in their brand new School of Preaching of which Dr. Allen is the dean. Text-driven preaching is where the main point of the text is the … [Read more...] about Day 1 of the SBC PC Colloquium at SWBTS
And We’re Off!
It's always a little bit disorienting when you wake up in one place, and by early afternoon are in another place. I woke up in Virginia and am now in Fort Worth, Texas at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I've already been encouraged by what I have heard thus far. The colloquium began at 3pm today. After brief introductions, we then had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Patterson for about 15 minutes. Dr. Patterson has been extremely helpful to the Pastor's Conference in so many ways. We cannot adequately express our gratitude. There were three main focuses of Dr. … [Read more...] about And We’re Off!
Colloquium at Southwestern: Pastors’ Conference Speakers Gather to Immerse Themselves in Philippians
After months of anticipation, our "colloquium" is finally here. We have gathered here in Ft. Worth with the speakers for the Pastors' Conference for 2017. D. Paige Patterson, Dr. David Allen, and the rest of the Southwestern Seminary family have bent over backwards to make us welcome and to help us make this two-day event a success! Since the day I was elected to this office, no one has been more gracious to us than Dr. Patterson. We are greatly in his debt. Soon after my election last June, Bart brought to me with this idea - gathering all of the preachers together to immerse ourselves … [Read more...] about Colloquium at Southwestern: Pastors’ Conference Speakers Gather to Immerse Themselves in Philippians
Consider This My *Resignation (There’s a NEW Sheriff in Town)
*Sorry, guys, just temporary. I know, I shouldn't have gotten your hopes up!! I am finding the demands of the Pastors' Conference to be overwhelming. Wonderful. A blessing. Fun. I've got the greatest group of guys helping me - well, a couple of knuckleheads, but God loves knuckleheads, doesn't he? When I ran for this position, I knew there would be a lot of work. I did not realize how time-consuming it would be. I have this other gig here in Sioux City - a church that gives me a paycheck periodically and expects my time, effort, heart and soul. I love blogging. Frankly, if you guys can … [Read more...] about Consider This My *Resignation (There’s a NEW Sheriff in Town)
Rounding the Turn with the Pastors’ Conference – A Progress Report
We are doing everything different this year in the Pastors' Conference at the SBC Annual Meeting. In the past, it has been normal to elect a president and then hear almost nothing about the PC until sometime in February or March when the slate of speakers is unveiled and promotion begins. We have pulled back the veil and included the average SBC pastors in every aspect of the process. It was about this time last year when our little band of blogging brethren started a conversation about the idea of embarking on this journey. It all started with a private conversation I had with a highly … [Read more...] about Rounding the Turn with the Pastors’ Conference – A Progress Report