Tonight was one of those nights. We got the call at the bloggers bluster that John Meador wanted to meet with us and we went over at 7:30 to chat behind the stage. There he let me know that our little band of bloggers had done the unthinkable - we'd won the election. I will be the president of the 2017 SBC Pastor's Conference. We received a little over 55% of the vote for our average church, exposition-focused agenda. We've gotten some immediate commitments of support from some folks who think our idea is a pretty good one. I am both excited and I'm terrified. Brutally terrified. The … [Read more...] about Sometimes, I’m a Little Overwhelmed – Dave Miller elected President of #SBCpc17
SBC Pastors' Conference
Pastors’ Conference 2017 – an idea for a different kind of conference
I am nominating Dave Miller for pc president this afternoon on the basis of a new idea for 2017. The vote for Pastor's Conference President will take place shortly after 2:00pm today, at the conclusion of Jack Graham's message. Here is my nomination speech: My name is Todd Benkert, messenger from East Lake Baptist Church in Crown point Indiana. I am here to nominate Dave Miller for pastors conference president. Dave is the pastor of Southern Hills Baptist Church in Sioux City Iowa. Dave is a faithful pastor a and has served in various roles in SBC life. Dave has shown … [Read more...] about Pastors’ Conference 2017 – an idea for a different kind of conference
Why a “small church” Pastors’ Conference? (or Why I am nominating Dave Miller for Pastors’ Conference President)
I wanted to write and give some clarity to why I am nominating a small church pastor to lead the Pastor’s Conference in 2017 and why I support the idea of a conference of small church preachers focused on biblical preaching. This article is meant to provide some clarity on my own thinking about why I will make a nomination on Monday to do something different in 2017. Let me first affirm some of the ideas behind our past conferences (which I personally have benefitted from) and the rationale behind the status quo: The Case for Christian Celebrity The very word celebrity is … [Read more...] about Why a “small church” Pastors’ Conference? (or Why I am nominating Dave Miller for Pastors’ Conference President)
My Moment of Decision for SBC 2016
I depart for Africa tomorrow (Wednesday, 5/18). It will be May 27 before I return. SBC 2016 will be practically upon us. The time has arrived for me to finalize all deliberations ongoing in my heart and mind related to the convention. For president, Dr. Steve Gaines: These are remarkable days in the life of the Southern Baptist Convention. There are no bad choices running for SBC President. I mean that genuinely. I could vote for David Crosby and be perfectly happy. I could vote for J. D. Greear and be perfectly happy. I believe that the convention will have good leadership for the next … [Read more...] about My Moment of Decision for SBC 2016
Our Choice for Pastor’s Conference President: Dave Miller
Two weeks ago, we posted our vision for the SBC Pastor’s Conference. The reception has been positive and encouraging beyond what we could have hoped. Our vision alters the focus of the conference from big names and big production to a theme that’s exegetically driven and carried out by a diverse group of pastors whose church size most of us can relate to. The first step in seeing this vision come to fruition is electing someone who shares this vision Pastor’s Conference president during this year’s meeting, June 12-13 in St. Louis. For that role, we intend to nominate Dave Miller, Pastor … [Read more...] about Our Choice for Pastor’s Conference President: Dave Miller
Why Not Focus on Biblical Preaching at the Pastors’ Conference?
I’m not sure which convention it was, but it was during my time as a pastor in Virginia. I was deeply discouraged and considering throwing in the towel, for reasons that I won’t go into and simply do not matter now. A friend and I went to the Pastors’ Conference together and sat through sermon after sermon. I was amazed, feeling as if God had singled me out. The theme was perseverance. These men preached sermon after sermon about enduring in hard times, sticking it out when you were ready to quit. God used those two days to encourage me and give me the lift I needed. I can’t remember the … [Read more...] about Why Not Focus on Biblical Preaching at the Pastors’ Conference?
If I Were Pastor’s Conference President*
*Don't worry, it won't happen My experience here has been a little limited. We got lost in Phoenix yesterday and I didn’t make it over here too early today. I missed Darrin Patrick’s message which I heard very good things about on Twitter. I caught some of Bob Pitman’s message, all of Johnny Hunt’s message and heard much of Gregg Matte’s today. Each was a good man with a good message – no quarrels. Each has been a call to a closer walk and a more powerful ministry. But I would love to come to a convention and hear some solid, open-your-text-and-see-what-it-says preaching. Most of the … [Read more...] about If I Were Pastor’s Conference President*
Call Me Stupid: Let’s Find a “Regular Guy” for 2012 Pastor’s Conference President
I had an idea last night that I want to share. Was it a good idea? Well, I guess you good folks will be the judge of that. You may tell met that it is a hare-brained idea. But, I'm going to put it out there anyway. Here it is: let's run a regular guy, a pastor of a normal Baptist church, as the president of the Pastor's Conference for 2012. I have to admit, I'm looking forward to "Aspire," the 2011 SBC Pastor's Conference. There are some speakers I am excited about hearing. I don't share the concerns of some of the regulars here at SBC Voices, but am of the opinion that it will be … [Read more...] about Call Me Stupid: Let’s Find a “Regular Guy” for 2012 Pastor’s Conference President
Aspire 2011! A Different Kind of Pastor’s Conference
ASPIRE 2011 from Hope Baptist Church, Las Vegas on Vimeo. Pastors (and everyone else), check out this video. It looks like the 2011 Pastor's Conference will be well worth the time. You will hear more as time goes on, but for now, check out the video. Here is the Pastor's Conference website. Here is a link to the list of speakers. Also, check out their goals - especially the one to raise $100,000 to "take the gospel to an unreached people group in the Arabian Peninsula through a translation project and humanitarian relief." Novel concept - actually making the Pastor's Conference … [Read more...] about Aspire 2011! A Different Kind of Pastor’s Conference