This is the most popular blog post of all-time at my blog, and I thought the Voices readers would enjoy and be blessed by it, as well.
In attempt to look at the practicality and benefits of social media and blogging for Christians, three friends who have experience with popularity in the blogging and social media world (with 4-digit Twitter followers and top 100 Christian blogs) joined me to discuss. It is my aim that this discussion would help you personally and the Church as a whole consider the Kingdom implications of blogging and social media.
Trevin Wax
BLOG: Kingdom People
TWITTER: trevinwax
Steve McCoy
BLOG: Reformissionary
TWITTER: stevekmccoy
Jared Wilson
BLOG: Gospel-Driven Church
TWITTER: jaredcwilson
Brandon Smith
BLOG: Modern March
TWITTER: BrandonSmith85
Click here to read the discussion.