As I have been in and around churches, I have served in several capacities, I found that churches often struggle with balance. Some are great at outreach and stink at discipleship. Some are great at ministry, but the worship is lacking. Some have great Sunday School but no real community ministry. Some how powerful preaching but lack ministry to members. Balance is a hard thing to accomplish, and often I see it as a result of the pastor’s personality and style. The pastor leads, the flock follows.
Pastors, leaders and teachers need to develop a TEAM approach. First, a church must be Together. Together in purpose and moving towards the goal of disciple making. Together in the mission of ministry and service to the community. Together and united in Christian fellowship that brings people together to support and care for one another. There has to be a sense of unity and doing this together.
A church must be Entering the presence of God. Worship in a church must be more than music and singing. A church must be devoted to spiritual worship in preaching, giving, praying, serving, the Lord’s Supper and baptism. The worship of Christ should pour forth from everything during the service. The body of Christ should be focused on being in worship, more than just Sunday mornings. The body from the pastor to the newest member should daily be having time of personal worship and devotion. It should flow from the hearts of the believers.
The church must be At the feet of Jesus. The church should never stop growing and learning. A church must have a standard of teaching and knowing the Word. Each time the body is together, the scripture must be opened and taught. Personal devotion and study time should not only be encouraged but championed as the only way believers can survive in this world. Without the study of the Word and learning at the feet of the Master, the church will be tossed, tried and sifted.
Lastly, the church must be Mobilized for mission. A member who attends every Sunday but never lives out what they learn is a weak believer at best. We must take the teachings of Jesus and use them in the world. The entire church from the oldest to the youngest should be missionaries where ever they go. A church that does missions is a church living out the command of Christ. To be His body, we must be an incarnational expression of Christ every day. Missions is the heart, hands and feet. Every member of a church body can find a place to be a missionary and should be engaged daily in that cause.
These four things together can help a church keep balance and focus. It’s so easy to become heavy in the area of passion, but all areas must be developed. There must be devotion to these areas if the church is serious about the mission, purpose and calling of Christ. I hope that you will join me to be a TEAM focused believer.