David Platt came out like a bull in a china shop, with his characteristic passion! He is rethinking and reimagining the entire mission structure of the SBC.
We topped out at 5600 messengers, are moving down now toward 4200. And this year the IMB operated at a deficit of 20,800,000. This cannot continue.
The problem is that the IMB has had a very narrow funnel in getting missionaries to the field. Full-time people. He wants to open the funnel and get as many channels as possible to get people to the mission field.
He wants to open the door for as many people as possible to go. He envisions a fulltime missionary working with the cooperation of partnership churches and volunteers. This is already happening in Unreached People Groups program.
He talks faster than I can talk. Get this and watch it.
Every Missionary must be part of an SBC church.
He says we are NOT changing the way we are related to these issues.
The missionaries of the SBC will not be promoting charismatic practice or even PPL around the world. Missionaries will be terminated for doing that. We preach the gospel.
Marriage is still a strong issue. The only thing is that a past divorce is not an automatic elimination of involvement.
If you’ve been baptized by immersion and a healthy disciple, the door is OPEN!
Wow! Wow! and Wow!
QUESTION: What reasonable objection does anyone have to the explanation David Platt gave?
Biggest standing O of any of the reports for this man. Powerful. The IMB is going to be amazing in the years ahead. Thank you, Lord, for preparing David Platt for this role!
NOTE: My apologies to Kevin Ezell – I got here as Kevin was finishing his report. I could not miss my Belgian Waffle! Not gonna do it. Had trouble dragging these old bones out of bed this AM and I just didn’t get to it.
But I do have ONE observation. Did anyone note that Kevin Ezell now has the slot formally given to the election of 2nd VP? I love you Kevin, but you probably ought to kick up a fuss!