I was reading an article about this today. What would you do?
Beulah is 16 and has been coming to the youth group for a while, and recently professed faith and was baptized. Now, word is out that she is going to have a baby.
How does the church respond?
I have heard two distinct opinions here, and some variations.
1) The church must uphold standards of sexual morality. The church should not have a public celebration if sin. By doing showers and other such public events, we sanction immorality and info our efforts to encourage purity.
2). The church is a place of grace. Sin should not be ignored or approved, but neither should the sinner be shunned. We need to surround this teen with love and acceptance, not with judgment and condemnation.
How does your church handle teen pregnancy? How do you deal with such issues?
Talk amongst yourselves…