Dave Miller is out of the country for a couple of more days, and then if he’s anything like me on these trips he will like a few days to recover when he gets back. He asked me to kinda keep an eye on this place in his absence–and it’s yet to burn down, so that’s good.
I thought I would be a little more active in getting stuff up and posted, but I ran into a church situation–one of those things that you don’t expect to have to deal with as a pastor, but sometimes it just happens. 😐 So… I’ve been a little busy and our pending post queue is nearing empty.
Therefore I’m putting out the call: If you have an article you have written and would like us to consider posting over these next few days, you can send it to me at the address below, and I’ll give it a look. They can be SBC related, theology related, devotional posts, how the SEC sold its soul to Satan, political (though I’m even less eager to post about politics than Dave), etc. If you send me something and I think it’s too controversial or irrelevant, I’ll print it out, run it through my shredder, and send you a pic of its remains. 🙂 Actually, I’ll dialogue with you about why.
Regular Contributors / other Admins–you already know how to add new posts to the queue and/or post one yourself, so feel free (just follow Dave’s rules–4 hour gaps, etc. etc.).
Any takers?… email: mbergman1980 (at) gmail.com [obviously replace the (at)]