This is the one question that kept coming up in yesterday’s conversation. One commentator even asked, “When did the CP start describing itself as mission work?” Here are a few observations:
- The domain definitely gives that idea.
- The title of the website is “Cooperative Program (CP) Missions”
- The about page states, “a God-given partnership of missions support was conceived—The Cooperative Program.”
Missions Home & Abroad?
This was a second question that kept coming up. I wasn’t able to find an authoritative definition, but my instinct is to think cross-cultural is a key component. In my mind, missions is about sending the Gospel beyond where I can go and to people ouside of my own “ethnos.”
On the other hand, the SBC has always considered domestic and home church planting to belong under the banner of missions. Just consider the history of NAMB.
Even so, who will argue that 17% being sent international is the best use of our missions funds?