Dr. Moore started with a Johnny Cash story. Way to go!
His report:
We’ve been comfortable in our culture. The South was referred to as “the Southern Baptist Zion.” Baptist Christianity does not do well as a water-carrier for anyone’s culture. We are better as a jailhouse faith.
John Bunyan was able to seek the Celestial Ciity because he didn’t care if he was on the cover of Vanity Fair.
I want to help keep you out of jail, and to make you willing to go to jail.
Arlene’s flowers – She refused to provide flowers for a same sex marriage. Did so graciously. She is now under assault by the government. The government simply wants her to to conform.
The truth is not up for sale and the truth is not for sale to the highest bidder.
In our world, our beliefs are strange and freakish.
Mrs. Stutzman was here.
Dr. Moore shared some of the strong stands they had taken on religious liberty issues. Several standing ovations.
Over a dozen briefs with the Supreme Court.
No government bureaucrat, king or government has authority over a free conscience.
:The ERLC is establishing a presence in the Middle East to advance religious freedom all over the world. We will not stand idly by while those with whom we will share eternity are being led to the slaughter.
Primary priority is to equip churches. On the website, materials are available. Partner with LifeWay to develop a series of books on culural issues. Partnered with seminaries to help equip students. Partnere with Alliance Defending Freedom on legal issus. With Conventions. With SBTC and OK, training churches in marriage issues. Events to equip churches. National Leadership Summit on Racial Reconcilation.
Wants to make sure people know that abortion is not just a Catholic issue.
Deals with Supreme Court issue. We will stand regardless of what Court says. We will not capitulate. We did not make up a Christian sexual ethic, we were given a sexual ethic. As long as the throne in heaven is occupied, we will not change.
We do not end at condemnation and repentance. We proclaim, behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
There’s one thing worse than going to jail for your faith, and that is having a faith that is too safe for jail.
Questions: NO QUESTION!!! Big Time Standing OVATION!