There has certainly been a wide divergence of opinion about the LifeWay Sunday School curriculum, “The Gospel Project.” The Gospel Project identifies itself as a ” Christ-centered curriculum that examines the grand narrative of Scripture and how the gospel transforms the lives of those it touches.” In a three-year plan of study, the curriculum traces the gospel story from Genesis to Revelation, attempting to do more than just present unrelated moral stories, but to weave them all together to explain the gospel, the theological underpinnings of the gospel and the missional life to which Christ calls those who have been transformed by that gospel.
Who could oppose that?
Well, of course, in our current SBC culture, many voices have been raised to call the wisdom of this project into question. Most of the criticism revolves around the fact that the Advisory Council is predominantly Calvinist. Some have opined that this will be essentially a Calvinist indoctrination tool that will advance the agenda of those who want to turn our denomination more and more in that direction.
Who is right? Is this a theologically deep, Christ-centered, gospel-honoring curriculum or a tool for Calvinist indoctrination?
I don’t really know and neither do you? I haven’t seen the material. I’ve read about it and seen Trevin Wax’s description of it here. But until we can actually see the Gospel Project materials, everything we can say about it is simple speculation.
I have to admit I am intrigued. One of the common complaints I’ve heard through the years about some of our Sunday School materials is that they lack theological depth. Something that goes into great depth about the work of Christ from beginning to end – if it is as it has been described, our church will be using it! If it turns out to be other than what I am expecting it to be, I will be deeply disappointed.
Next Wednesday, March 14, the questions will begin to be answered. Lifeway hosting a webcast to unveil The Gospel Project and show us what all the conversation has been about. Ed Stetzer, the General Editor, and Trevin Wax, the Managing Editor, will be joined by J.D. Greear and Matt Chandler to enlighten us about the TGP.
It will be my privilege to be present for the webcast to blog about what we see, and I will be tweeting as well (for those dozen or so folks who follow me on twitter – davemiller7). I am sure that not every question will be answered at this event, but it will go a long way toward giving us an opportunity to see what the Gospel Project is really all about. Make plans to tune into the webcast next Wednesday at 2PM CST, and check out this site for information.