In a surprise announcement today, NAMB President Kevin Ezell announced that he will be hosting a symposium for bloggers at 9:30 PM on Monday, June 13, at the Fat Chance Cafe two blocks east of the main entrance to the Convention Center in Phoenix. All active Baptist bloggers are invited to join Ezell for dessert and discussion. The cost will be $10, though bloggers who have bathed and put on real clothes for the session will be given a $3 discount.
The following topics will be discussed during the symposium:
- Stacy London and Clinton Kelly from TLC’s “What Not to Wear” will present “From Housecoats to High Fashion.”
- Mike Holmes, from “Holmes Inspection” will speak on “Making Basement Living Fun.”
- Then, Ezell will close the night with a passionate missional speech, “Developing Passion for the CP and Annie.”
It should be a great night of fellowship for us all.