Once upon a time, Southern Baptists believed the church had a mission. We held that our aim and authority came from the mouth of Jesus himself when he said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:18-20).
So, churches were specialists in one thing. That one thing was proclaiming the Gospel so that the lost could hear, believe and follow Christ. We were passionate about this one sacred task and began to send preachers to the nations. We insisted that everything our churches would do must related clearly back to that mission. After all, our local bodies belong to Christ and exist for Him.
This morning I was appalled to read this story in Baptist Press and it’s suggestions for my church. Will your church neglect it’s mission to do the following:
— Set up a station in your church where members can apply for converter box coupons.
— Put on a mini-seminar to educate your members on how to make the transfer from analog to digital.
— Sunday School classes could get together as a group and help purchase converter boxes for those they know need the help.
Since when did our mission extend to helping people convert their televisions from analog to digital receivers? Can someone explain to me how this fits into the commission that Christ gave his churches?