This week we will complete the 31 Day Pray For Your Wife Challenge. It has been an amazing experience to dedicate an entire month to pray for my wife. I believe other men have been blessed as well. I’ve been taken aback by the way that God has answered prayers in the life of these men.
Many have asked how they could continue praying for their wives. I know I intend to keep praying for my wife as well.
To help men continue to pray for their wives, and to extend this beyond the initial group, I’ve decided to make available a free eBook for all those that participated in the prayer challenge. (Even if you didn’t participate you can still sign up to receive the book).
When you submit your email address in the space below you will receive a free eBook and a few other resources to assist you in praying for your wife. You will receive your book once we complete Day 31. (RSS and email subscribers may need to click through)
A special thanks goes to Lore Ferguson for helping me put together the free eBook. She took it upon herself to do this without even being asked. Thanks, Lore!