The following is a message sent out to pastors from our Indiana Executive Director, Dr. Cecil Seagle. He has given me permission to repost it here. Dr. Seagle’s words are timely and needed — thankful for his clearing of the dust and his affirmation of the heart of our leaders during this heart-wrenching and difficult situation. He also provides a path forward. I am thankful for his leadership and guidance here.
SBC’s International Mission Board (IMB) is currently working through some very sticky financial issues.
I have waited to see what Dr. Platt would SAY & DO in the wake of a one year $21 million dollar – $ 210 million multiple year overspend.
While I am not privy to any IMB trustee/administrative conversations I have observed –
(1). A clear, broken-hearted acknowledgement of the current crisis that must be faced;
(2). The compelling urgency to live within budgetary means;
(3). And, the steps Dr. Platt has led trustees & administration to take to rectify the situation.
Would I do it differently?
Of course, but that’s not the issue – I am me & David Platt is the best David Platt in the world.
Are there essential steps that must be taken?
Yes, without a doubt –
(1). Balance the IMB budget.
(2). SBC, must teach, preach and demonstrate Biblical stewardship.
(3). Out of the increased tithes and offerings, let’s increase Cooperative Program giving through each SBC congregation & increase the CP amount going to the Executive Committee from State Conventions.
(4). Let’s stop talking IMB as an organization & speak of IMB MISSIONARIES AS REAL PEOPLE, CALLED OF GOD, SENT FROM OUR SBC CHURCHES & DEPLOYED by IMB.
(5). Let’s go back to Biblical reality – if Jesus did not die for the whole world & if our missionary calling is not an Acts 1:8 calling – to all places simultaneously – then we will never fix this.
Indiana Baptists have raised the percentage giving every year to national/international causes. I will visit with our Executive Board to find a way to increase this again in February 2016.
“Yammering” does not get it done. Brokenness, repentance, humility and prayer will bring us to obedience and a fresh call to make Jesus known. We are not at the end of the way. We can retool, rethink, surrender at a deeper level to His calling AND Go!!!