Blogging plans are always a little bit loose. Something could come up – breaking news, a Baptist scandal, or something. Anything can happen. But barring some huge event, I’m not planning to hang out here at SBC Voices much over the next few days. I’ll probably stop in to check on things a time or two. I’ll try to get back into the swing of things on Monday.
SBC Voices contributors – “Post ’em if you got ’em” rules apply. If you have something you want to post, put it up. Don’t step on someone else’s post. If there is another post up, make sure it gets 5 or 6 hours before you post yours – more is okay as well.
If you guys see a comment that needs deleting, delete it. If things get out of hand (I’m sure that won’t happen, but…) most of you guys know how to get in touch with me.
Have a good Thanksgiving, boys and girls.