One of our contributors, Brandon Smith, is looking for a place to serve the Lord. Maybe someone here has a contact or knows of a place where this young man can minister. He has made several posts here, so you can read them and get a little bit of idea of his beliefs and passions. He also blogs at Modern March, if you want to get a little better idea of who he is.
He is getting married and will be moving to East Texas, the Tyler area, sometime between now and June. He has five years of ministry experience as a youth pastor, an associate pastor and a church planter. He has also been involved in the PLNTD Church Planting network. He is willing to serve in any sort of church ministry position that is needed – pastor, associate, youth.
You can contact him at to get more information.
Brandon is a fine young man (though sometimes I question his sports team preferences – I’m not sure that qualifies as a ministry-disqualification offense). If you know of a church in the Tyler area that needs help, shoot Brandon an email.