Danny Akin began his report by saying something to the effect that Paige Patterson does not owe me an apology for sharing the gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission. Ditto for me, Danny.
Now, I’m pretty much a rules guy. I believe in asking permission, not forgiveness. Clearly, Patterson made an executive decision he was not authorized to make. Just as clearly, he offered one of the most profoundly moving and sincere apologies you will ever, ever hear. I was literally moved to tears.
Think about it… The bold and courageous, wild game hunting, lion hearted general of the Southern Baptist Conservative Resurgence humbling himself tearfully and apologizing for the sorrow he brought to the very convention he saved from the devastation of liberalism.
If I ever get in trouble for something and find myself in the middle of a scandal, I hope it will be for the offense of doing everything I possibly can to win a lost soul to personal faith in Jesus Christ.
Both Patterson and his Board Chairman handled that situation with grace.