Read this article.
A 14-year-old boy was disciplined and suspended by the administration of Western Hills High School in Ft. Worth, TX. He is an honor student who is never in trouble.
However, he evidently committed an egregious crime – he expressed an opinion to a friend that homosexuality is a sin. His teacher, according to reports, went ballistic and sent him to the principal’s office where he was given a day of in-school suspension and then two days of full suspension. Principle James Wellman and the administration of Western Hills evidently prize political correctness over free speech.
Fortunately, the boy’s mother challenged the action and the boy’s record has been scrubbed.
But the fact remains that the current moral morass that is the Fort Worth public school system (and is likely representative of attitudes in our education establishment as a whole), expressing a personal moral conviction is considered a threat.
Get used to is, Christians. That is where we are headed!
BP had an article yesterday that gave us another look at this trend. Apple, Google and other internet giants are systematically censoring Christian content on their sites. We may soon be living in an America that is openly hostile to our faith. We have come to expect a sympathetic at best and neutral at worst government and society. Welcome to the brave new world.