My daughter Bethany, her friend Katie and I played a little game last night and I thought it might be fun for the readers of SBC Voices to play along. The game was simple. I read a tweet from Joel Osteen, from Mark Driscoll, or from Tim Keller. They had to identify the author from the tweet. I’ve created a quiz for you here. I added in the good Rev. Dr. Ed Stetzer for you Baptist bloggers. There are 5 tweets from each of these four men. A few of them (especially Osteen’s) are no-brainers. The rest might be tougher than you think.
Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to identify the author of the tweet.
NO CHEATING! No, you cannot browse their sites to figure out who wrote the tweet. You just read the tweet and identify the author.
Twenty Tweets
1) God invites us to to come as we are, not to stay as we are. (This tripped up several folks – Tim Keller!)
2) God doesn’t judge the way we judge. He doesn’t look on the outside. He looks at the heart. (Joel Osteen)
3) We do not follow Jesus because it is easy but rather because he is worthy. (Mark Driscoll)
4) God knows what He is doing. Quit fighting against what doesn’t go your way. (Joel Osteen)
5) The attributes of God we see in Scripture are embodied in the person and work of Jesus Christ. (Stetzer)
6) Jesus valued the lost over the social needs of the “found.” (Stetzer)
7) Grace creates people who are committed to bless the world through their work. (Keller)
8) Remember, people need a word from God more than they need a word from you. Give ’em Jesus. (Stetzer)
9) You won’t get in trouble for doing good deeds. You will get it trouble if you use these experiences as opportunities to talk about Jesus. (Driscoll)
10) God knows what He is doing. He is getting you prepared. Your destiny is bigger than you think. (Osteen – duh)
11) Anxiety is a daily fax to God saying, ‘I don’t think you have my best interests in mind.’” (Keller)
12) The sovereignty of God is not to be debated but trusted. It’s an anchor for the soul, a rudder for the spirit, and hope for tomorrow. (Driscoll)
13) Part of the role of Christians in any society is speaking up against wrongs committed by their government. (Stetzer – probably under the sway of political radical Marty Duren)
14) The world values power, comfort, success, and recognition. Jesus frees us to value grief, sacrifice, weakness, and exclusion. (Keller – no one should have missed this one)
15) Christians: When you’re tempted to sin stop & remember that you’re a saint in Christ. Let your theology conquer your biology. (Driscoll)
16) God can handle your emotions. Don’t run from him in anger but toward him. (Stetzer)
17) Quit dwelling on what people say you are and program your mind with who God says you are. (Osteen)
18) Life is a series of pop quizzes. You never know when the opportunity will arise. Always be prepared to talk about Jesus. (Driscoll)
19) Without a knowledge of our extreme sin, payment of the cross seems trivial and does not electrify or transform. (Keller)
20) Of all the things God created, He is most proud of you. You are His most prized possession. (If you don’t get this one, you are pathetic!!!) (Is there really a need for me to id the author of this one. It is quintessential Osteen).
I will publish the answers later.