Last year I spent about 30 minutes in the convention hall – I was toast after the PC. This year I plan to do better but I won’t be in the room gavel to gavel. Does anyone except the president and the parliamentarian spend every moment in the hall? Of course, everything that goes on matters but you have to pick and choose.
I would point out a few times that might be significant. My choices here are focused on the business times, not messages, times of worship, and other important segments.
NOTE: The times are not sacrosanct. The convention often runs ahead. If we are running ahead on things, @sbcvoices will try to keep you informed when a major vote is coming up.
Tuesday Morning
1. Introduction of New Motions 9:27
Always an exciting time!
2. Executive Committee Report 9:47
First of two parts. (1:55 pm is second).
Tuesday Afternoon
3. Election of Officers (1) 1:50
Presidential election. Since there are only two candidates, there should only be one election. Of course, we know that this is not always the case.
4. Election of Officers (2) 2:55
1st VP – presumably
5. Election of Officers (3) 3:40
2nd VP – presumably
6. Last Chance for new motions 3:45
7. Committee on Nominations 4:10
The original nominations set off something of a firestorm because of their lack of diversity and we assume the final report will be much different.
8. Committee on Resolutions 4:30
I do not know this as a fact, but this has to be the record for submitted resolutions, right?
Previously scheduled business 8:45 AM and 2:45 PM. This means that if any of the submitted motion escape the “out of order” and “referral” fate and get scheduled for an actual vote, it will be during these times.
Wednesday Morning
9. Evangelism Task Force 9:36
10. Entity reports (and questions) all morning.
- NAMB 9:12
- IMB 9:24
- Seminaries 10:40
The reports are interesting. The questions after the reports could be especially interesting. Will they be especially hostile this year?
Wednesday Afternoon
11. LifeWay report 3:20
12. ERLC report 4:25
Again, it’s all about the Q&A.