This post is more of a question than a rant. Actually, it’s not even close to a rant, so if you were wanting something like that, disappointment awaits you. I know that one of the major aims of the GCR movement is to eliminate what many feel are unnecessary duplications and everyone’s favorite pinata, “bureaucracy.” I would hope that any of us would see that requiring multiple layers of oversight by different entities can create a confusing and ineffective system, even when we might disagree on how to fix those issues.
So, here’s my question: I know of several larger churches that while giving to the overall CP or Lottie Moon to support the IMB’s work also select, train, send, and support their own missionaries internationally. From those who know more of how these churches train and support their missionaries, is this an unnecessary duplication since Southern Baptists already have a missionary sending/training body in the International Mission Board? Are these churches “re-inventing the wheel” by developing their own systems of training and supporting missionaries?
Note that I’m not asking whether churches can or should send their own missionaries. And I honestly don’t know enough about the process many of these churches use in sending their M’s to give some opinionated rant concerning it! And I love missions! I want to see as many missionaries sent as possible and wouldn’t want to disrespect any system that is aiming at that. So I’m asking from those in the know, is my question relevant? totally off-based? I’m being very teachable here and so I await your response!