I’m finishing my packing, hoping to get a minute or two of sleep tonight, then it’ll be off to Detroit, Paris, Dakar, Ziguinchor, and Nyassia, where I hope to fix all the problems Bart created.
In my absence, I’ve asked the team to manage the site sort of informally. General posting rules apply. If you have something ready to go and no one has posted for about 6 hours, let it fly. If someone has a really hot topic up, you might be wise to set your post for the next morning. Try not to step on anyone else’s post.
I hope to be back in the USA in time to celebrate Cleveland’s victory over the Golden State Warriors in the NBA finals and to see most of you at the SBC Annual meeting. We are planning a “Bloggers Bluster” on Monday night – we will get together for supper somewhere. But we don’t know where yet. Usually, I go early and pick a bar…er…restaurant for us to meet at, but this time, I will be late arriving because of the trip to Senegal. So someone else is going to have to pick the restaurant. But we will definitely post it here.
I may catch a whiff of wifi from time to time and post something, but likely not.
Behave, heathens.