I was trying to hold back until February, but the big news coming out across the Southern Baptist blogosphere today was too much to ignore.
I’ve activated the “Baptist Buzz” feature in the right sidebar. This is an elite selection of links to SBC Voices posts/articles that I found compelling. This is the first editorial content here, but I trust it will be fair and balanced.
Basically, I am scanning all 180+ feeds and cherry picking the very best articles that have convention wide relevance. Feel free to email me (TonyKummer@gmail.com) or leave a comment to let me know what you think.
This feature is patterned off the “Well Said” feature at Said at Southern Seminary. The main difference is that I will be much more selective here since I am trying to index 300 or more Southern Baptist blogs by next month. That is simply too many to highlight all the very good posts.
In short, the Baptist Buzz honor will be limited to the top 1% of all SBC Voices blog posts. This will mean better exposure for some.
I am also adding a new page to display an achieve of the past 25 Baptist Buzz posts.
Feel free to email me if you when you post an article that you think has earned inclusion.
If you are interested in syndicating the “Baptist Buzz” selections on your blog you can use this handy RSS feed from Google