Dear My Friends Good But Sadly Suffering With The Sickness,
For years now so many I have been in receipt of communications varied from strangers and people I have never yet the meeting opportunity being mine. As you can see from broken English mine so easily, this email is of the truth and coming from someone with good intention of nobility and to be generous.
My attention has been coming to the astounding conclusiveness that people of means substantial, which is to say possessing considerable wherewithals, from nations abroad that no banks must availability be to them all, have expressiveness to me that their desires is a gift monetary to me in the SUM of MILLIONS of dollars US. My messages to you is three things important.
One, let me first tell of my apology and sympathetic about your croaking soon to occurring in the near future deadness and below ground in the cold gravestone. I know what a sadness and thing to know this is being bummer truth.
Second, I hope you will trust in Jesus, believe in His death, burial and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sins, sincerely repent of those sins, including especially identity theft, and place your faith in Him as your Lord and Savior, that your name might be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and that you might live forever in heaven with Him, where I will meet you one day and we can laugh about this.
Finally, I am having a propositions for you. Although never give to you my banked accounting numeralizations nor my Secured Socially identifier, please know that my name and address being in the phone registry public book and mailing me the check can be best methods for me getting compensation and treasury you wishing for receipt of mine having.
If you pleasing find acceptability to this, my hoping is for you would postage the check to me right away before heart stops beating yours and lungs stop breathing to you. After deadness you have come over you, your hand will not have penmanships to be writing legal documentations and signing your identification. Please, please do not postponement until you are kicking the buckets.
Thanking Gratefulness,