My phone sometimes doesn’t post when it is supposed to. I hit publish…I thought. I publish it now simply for the results.
This is how it is done. We approve the Trustees of our entities and we can remove them. That is why we are voting on Hatley’s motion to dismiss the trustees of the Executive committee of SWBTS at 2:45 PM.
The motion is in order.
It is also a horrible idea. One of the worst to come to the floor in recent memory.
Please show up to vote no. I assume a simple majority wins but this should be defeated by the kind of overwhelming majority that sends a message that the SBC does not support this kind of thing.
It is a bad idea.
1. It is a bad idea because it is a motion made from emotion.
People are angry about Dr. Patterson being fired and in that emotion they strike back. It is an emotional action, not a rational one.
2. It is a bad idea because it is an ignorant motion.
No, I am not calling Hatley stupid. I am saying that we don’t have the facts. In a 13-hour meeting there were reams of information brought to these trustees. They did not talk primarily about social media scandals. They talked about other things.
I do not know why they decided to fire Paige. You don’t. And Tom Hatley doesn’t. But in his ignorance and ours he is asking us to take extreme action.
3. It is a bad idea because it is nuclear.
In our ignorance of the facts we are being asked to take extreme measures against men and women who acted deliberately.
They took TIME to come to this decision. They went slow. They considered reams of information. Because Hatley doesn’t like the decision he is asking us to go nuclear on these people.
4. It is a bad idea because it sets an unhealthy precedent
Don’t like a trustee decision? Fire them.
This is SUCH a bad idea that for the good of the SBC you should oppose it even if you oppose the firing of Dr. Patterson.
5. It is a bad idea because it may affect accreditation.
An action like this could have consequences for the accreditation if SWBTS.
6. It is a bad idea because we would be dismissing trustees of integrity.
I know one trustee who is on the block. He has about as much integrity as any man I have known. We talk about a lot of stuff but he has not given me any insider info on what the trustees heard.
This is a man who would have jumped into a fire for Dr. Patterson and he became convinced by evidence (of which we are all ignorant) to fire him.
I trust this trustee.
7. This is a bad idea because if we blow up the “trust the trustees” system we will all live to regret it.
Every time a board votes against what I want, I go to the floor and seek their dismissal. That should only happen if there has been malfeasance, corruption, or something else shameful.
These honorable trustees are accused of no such thing.
This MUST be defeated. Soundly. There is no reason any Southern Baptist, even a strong Paige Patterson supporter, should want this can of worms opened.
Vote NO!
Thank you for voting NO.
Thank you Bart Barber for an dynamic speech that made a huge difference
The hall was full and there were only a few hundred yes votes. 98%-2% perhaps. 95-5?