I realized this morning during Sunday School that I had a very small split in my trousers. I thought I was good to go. After our second service (where I stood at the front with my back to the crowd the whole time) I realized my pants were split pretty much all the way. I'm not sure how much of myself I exposed to my congregation this morning, but I don't think even Lydia or Rick are looking for that type of transparency in leadership. I really wish I'd worn the Spiderman suit. … [Read more...] about Can You Help Me – I May Get Fired
Did the Task Force Violate SBC Bylaws?
Howell Scott, in the comment stream on Rick Patrick's article, "Informal Descriptor or Officially Approved Optional Replacement Name"used SBC Bylaws section 19 as proof that Bryant Wright's appointment of the Name Change Task Force was inappropriate. I would like to take a moment and address the specific issues that Howell raised. I am not a lawyer, nor some kind of constitutional expert, but I do believe that Howell's interpretation is faulty here. He is using a section of the bylaws that has nothing to do with this task force and using faulty reasoning to condemn the task force … [Read more...] about Did the Task Force Violate SBC Bylaws?
Identify that Superhero…
Is this: Joe Blackmon? David Worley? Dave Miller? I'll never tell! … [Read more...] about Identify that Superhero…
Informal Descriptor or Officially Approved Optional Replacement Name?
Since 1845 our Southern Baptist ship has sailed without the banner of an informal descriptor. Now that we are being asked to choose whether or not to adopt one, we must consider: "What exactly is an informal descriptor?" 1. It is not merely a nickname. Nicknames are given by people who just start using them and then see if they stick. Nobody ever votes on a nickname. If this were only a nickname, then any church who wanted to use it could do so already. There is no nickname police to stop the Pastor of some Journey Church somewhere from saying, "Hey, everybody, we partner together with … [Read more...] about Informal Descriptor or Officially Approved Optional Replacement Name?
Why I Like “Great Commission Baptists”
Let me start this with a of honesty. I chose the word "like" instead of "love" for a reason. I don't love this solution. In my perfect world, we'd be voting to actually change the name of our convention to "Great Commission Baptists" instead of just adding it as a designation. Like Dr. Paige Patterson, I've wanted to see our regionally-focused name replaced for a long time. But the Task Force determined (and from what I have seen, rightly so) that a name change would cost so much and be so legally difficult that whatever benefits might come from it were not worth it. So, we are going to … [Read more...] about Why I Like “Great Commission Baptists”
A critique of “A Color-Blind Denomination”
My friend Raymond Dix is an African-American, Baptist pastor in a neighboring community. I asked him to read and respond to my post on "color-blindness", knowing that he would disagree with me on some key points. I offer his careful critique with his permission to further this needed discussion. Blessings, Todd ___________ A Critical Analysis of Todd Benkert’s “A Color-Blind Denomination?” By a Black Baptist Pastor Raymond C. Dix Jr. Berean Fellowship Baptist Church Gary, IN Let me begin this analysis by stating two of the most important facts found in my … [Read more...] about A critique of “A Color-Blind Denomination”
Remember Who You Are
God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19 Flee. Run. Hide. Seek. Turn. Emerge. Rinse and repeat? For too many people, life has become an extended game of playground freeze tag. There they stand, scattered around like trees in winter, fixed and flash-frozen either as they have been proclaimed to be by someone more righteous, or as they in their brokenness project themselves to be, perhaps in a state of readiness to run at the first approach . . . or in … [Read more...] about Remember Who You Are
Skirting Southern Sin
In two short weeks, ABC is launching a situation comedy that will simply be known as GCB. Please note that these are the same three initials found in the highly publicized, proposed, optional and informal replacement name for the Southern Baptist Convention. Ours may stand for "Great Commission Baptists" but the rest of America will soon associate the three initials GCB with the phrase "Good Christian Belles." Please understand I am using the term "belles" here in place of the British term for female dogs, which is inferred but cannot be used even by ABC in describing Christians. Apparently, … [Read more...] about Skirting Southern Sin
Affliction, Marriage, and Rescue
There are abominations which, like nests of vipers, lie so quietly within, that we hardly suspect they are there till the rod of affliction rouses them; then they hiss and show their venom. This discovery is indeed very distressing; yet, till it is made, we are prone to think ourselves much less vile than we really are, and cannot so heartily abhor ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes. (John Newton, Letter to Mrs. Wilberforce) I would not necessarily consider marriage a “rod of affliction”. Marriage is wonderful. But marriage also comes with difficulties. Because God is radically … [Read more...] about Affliction, Marriage, and Rescue
Interview with “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus” star Jeff Bethke
Unless you live under a rock and completely avoid social media, you’ve at least heard of my man Jeff Bethke’s viral YouTube video “Why I Love Jesus, But Hate Religion.” If you haven’t, watch it here. At the time of this post, just six weeks after its release, the video is sitting at 19.3 million views (I remember when it was a big deal to get to ONE million!). Jeff was kind enough to take a few minutes between speaking engagements and appearing on shows such as ABC Nightline to do a quick interview with me about his story and the making of his poems. For more interviews like this, click … [Read more...] about Interview with “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus” star Jeff Bethke