I'm a little nauseated right now. I just watched a few minutes of Ed and Lisa Young's "Bed-in" - a toxic mix of sex-talk, pop psychology and lightweight theological justification. Maybe I'm just old, like my contemporary praise team says. But I cannot believe that this is what Jesus was talking about when he said, "On this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not stand against it." Let me state some things very clearly. 1) I think the no-no-no, bad-bad-bad, dirty-dirty-dirty message about sex that marked much of the church's instruction about sex in my youth (back … [Read more...] about Ed and Lisa Young’s “Bed-In” – Scratching Itching Ears?
Divorce, Remarriage and Ministry: What Does the Bible Say?
NOTE: I have just released a book which compiles (and edits and expands) these posts. It is called "Disqualified? What the Bible Says about Divorce, Remarriage and Ministry." It is available on Amazon.com. The Kindle version will be released in the next couple of days - not sure what the hold-up is there. This book reviews the biblical evidence on divorce and remarriage, beginning with the cornerstone in the Old Testament - the twin principles of God's intent of marriage as a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman and the understanding of the brokenness caused by sin. It then lays the … [Read more...] about Divorce, Remarriage and Ministry: What Does the Bible Say?
Review of Real Marriage by Mark and Grace Driscoll
If you have yet to hear of Mark Driscoll’s latest book Real Marriage you are a little late to the party. There are countless reviews already (see here, and for some of the earlier ones see here). Honestly if I was not contractually obligated (ala got the book for free in exchange for a review) and if I did not feel a pastoral obligation to read and review it, I would probably keep my mouth shut. Summary The book is divided into three sections (really two). One section on marriage that covers the first five chapters. This section chronicles some of the Driscoll’s story and also has a … [Read more...] about Review of Real Marriage by Mark and Grace Driscoll
The Empty Power of Ridicule
There are a few of the issues that have faced Baptist bloggers through the years on which I have strong opinions, have staked out that opinion and have defended it forcefully. On many of the issues I don't have a strong opinion and have concerned myself more with the tone and tenor of the debate than the debate itself. I've never touched a drop of "beverage alcohol" in my life, but neither have I been convinced by prohibitionist arguments that the Bible prohibits moderate use of alcohol. I believe in the sovereignty of God in salvation but I am not convinced by much of the Calvinist or … [Read more...] about The Empty Power of Ridicule
Work Matters: A Book Review
Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship with Monday Work. Tom Nelson. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2011. 234 pp. $15.99 Work Matters is a welcome addition to my digital bookshelf because Tom Nelson, writing as a pastor, has effectively bridged the gap not only between Sunday worship and Monday work, but between the pastorate and the laity. I’ve met many seminarians working “secular” jobs who view their work as a necessary evil until they can find a full-time pastorate somewhere. They live with no sense of calling to their current place of employment and almost feel as though they are … [Read more...] about Work Matters: A Book Review
Why We Don’t Use Alcohol For the Lord’s Supper at our Church by David R. Brumbelow
Some today are leading churches to begin using alcoholic wine instead of unfermented wine or grape juice in observance of the Lord’s Supper. I’ve personally heard of several such instances in recent days. It is often presented as more biblical to use alcoholic wine in the Lord’s Supper. A careful study of ancient wine and the Bible, however, along with medical evidence and common sense, may show Baptists have actually been more biblical than some assert. Following are a few reasons why the big majority of Baptists do not use alcoholic wine in the ordinance (not sacrament) of the Lord’s … [Read more...] about Why We Don’t Use Alcohol For the Lord’s Supper at our Church by David R. Brumbelow
Simple Discipleship and Preaching Advice
I still remember a good chunk of advice that one of my professors in college gave me. Dr. Pelletier (not the skater) was a man that taught me a great deal about ministry. Perhaps one of the most profound things he taught me was about family devotions. I was single at the time but engaged to my wife Nikki. I was freaking out about how to lead this woman. The weight of Ephesians 5 was pressing hard on me; what does it mean to wash her in the water of the word? What does it mean to lead a family? I had never really seen family devotions modeled and had no idea what it meant to lead my … [Read more...] about Simple Discipleship and Preaching Advice
Is the Cooperative Program Worthy of Sacrifice? by Nathan Finn and Micah Fries
We are concerned. As we look across our beloved Southern Baptist Convention, we see a problem that is significant, and is growing. Sadly, statistics inform us that this is an issue across the entire spectrum of SBC life, regardless of location or age and type of congregation. This issue is no respecter of persons. Our shared commitment to the Cooperative Program (CP) is on a precipitous decline. We believe this is a great tragedy that bodes ill for our Convention’s future. Lest you think we’re simply writing to stump for the CP, please understand that we believe there are vital … [Read more...] about Is the Cooperative Program Worthy of Sacrifice? by Nathan Finn and Micah Fries
The Centrality of the Lord’s Supper to Church Life
The Lord’s Supper serves as one of two symbols depicting for us the reality of the Gospel, baptism being the other. Whereas baptism tells the story of our union with Christ in death, burial, and resurrection to new life (Romans 6), the Lord’s Supper paints a picture of how Jesus accomplished such new life for us in the sacrifice of his body. In John 6, Jesus (rather graphically on the surface) told his followers, “Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink” (6:54-55). … [Read more...] about The Centrality of the Lord’s Supper to Church Life