When I posted my topic on Lifeway, most of the comments I received was about how the material wasn't deep enough for Sunday School. Let me say first that I believe in Sunday School, I love Sunday School and I think it's important, but it's not the whole shebang. Sunday School is PART of the Discipleship Process. In most churches, people begin with a Worship Service. From there, they should move to Sunday School, and from there to a Discipleship Group. Worship Services explore theological issues, they are broad, they are designed for a giant mixed audience of believers, non-believers. From … [Read more...] about Sunday school, are you doing it wrong? A follow up to the Lifeway Article.
Christians and the Demonic—Another Take
In another post a day or two ago, Dave Miller related to us an experience he had a couple of years back concerning what seemed to be a demonic influence over a professing Christian. For most of us who have been in the ministry for any length of time, we have either experienced or know those who have experienced what can best be described as demonic influences over the lives of people that we truly believe are sincere, professing Christians. Yet as Dave indicated, and as I agree with: this creates a tension between experience and theology for some of us. So what do we do with the questions … [Read more...] about Christians and the Demonic—Another Take
When injustice is enough justice: Parsing theology into nothingness (by Marty Duren)
Editor: If Baptist Blogging had a Hall of Fame, Marty Duren would certainly be enshrined there. He still blogs at martyduren.com and always has something worthwhile to say. I was thrilled when Marty offered this article originally published at his site. Enjoy! Part of this post deals with the terrible situation at Penn State University that broke in recent days. Because my website crashed and was down for several days I was unable to write a full post and was limited to expressing my outrage on Twitter and a few Facebook status updates. Suffice it to say that I am thoroughly disgusted with … [Read more...] about When injustice is enough justice: Parsing theology into nothingness (by Marty Duren)
No Child Left Alone
While the Penn State scandal is a wake up call to all organizations--civic, government, commercial, educational and religious--it is especially a challenge for churches, which provide predators an environment of naively trusting children and adults interacting socially--exactly what they need to commit their crimes. Many Measures Protect the Organization In the aftermath of such a tragedy, people with good intentions often recommend a wide variety of measures which we assume will help reduce the risk of abuse and protect the children. Sadly, although these measures may help somewhat, … [Read more...] about No Child Left Alone
Another Blind Eye to a Small Boy’s Cry
(Note: Once again, little ones have gone unprotected, with small boys victimized by both the twisted and broken and the blind and indifferent. I was sexually- abused decades ago, at the age of 8. No victim ever forgets. For the hope of the Penn State small boys and other children being abused, often despite the awareness of others who look the other way, I'm sharing my story here. If you are aware of a child predator, please speak up. Silence truly like a cancer grows.) The little one who smiles and hides the pain Lets tears fall when he plays out in the rain. The innocence … [Read more...] about Another Blind Eye to a Small Boy’s Cry
Why I use Lifeway (and I think you should too).
In my current ministry, I do a lot of work with Discipleship, with Sunday School and Small Groups, and I look at a lot of curriculum. Some we do in house, much of it we purchase. In all my shopping for material, I tend to lean towards Lifeway, and I think it's the best choice. Let me tell you why I use it and why I think you should too. 1. Lifeway takes time to understand what we are doing beyond the desire to sell us stuff. Lifeway does research, they are involved in education, mission, support and development. They take time to work with churches, be involved with churches and be in the … [Read more...] about Why I use Lifeway (and I think you should too).
Happy 80th Birthday to My Best Man
Today my dad turns 80. He's not happy about that. I try to console him by reminding him that even though he won't be in the 70s anymore, his clothes will be. My dad and I have a great relationship. We go way back. I'm named after him, sort of. My father's name is Anthony Russo. Notice there's no middle initial in there. My name is Anthony F. Russo. The 'F' stands for a name I've never liked (and no, I'm not going to say what it is.) The story goes that a nurse asked him what my legal name would be. The proud, new, and very bewildered father included what amounted to his own nickname. The … [Read more...] about Happy 80th Birthday to My Best Man
An Encounter with the Demonic in America Today
The story I am about to share with you is over two years old. Of course, you only have my word for it, but I would put my hand on a stack of Bibles or get hooked up to a lie detector and tell you that I have not made up a single word. I recently had an "experience" I am trying to make sense of and it got me thinking of this story - originally published at sbcIMPACT in June of 2009. I can tell you two things - I still don't know what to think about this, because it doesn't match my theology of the demonic. Secondly, the young man the story is about is now married, studying for the ministry … [Read more...] about An Encounter with the Demonic in America Today
Living the “Car”stian Life – A Modern Allegory
All week long, my car ran great. Here and there, across town and back, up hills and down; no problems. I turned the key, the engine fired and I was on my way. Then, suddenly, on Friday, a terrible thing happened. I was cruising along when it coughed a couple of times, sputtered, harrumphed, and then quit. Nothing. It would turn over, but not fire. I was stranded. Being the master mechanic that I am, I walked around the car and gave all four tires a firm kick. I opened the hood, jiggled a few wires, pulled and twisted stuff and burned my hand on something hot. But no matter what I did, the … [Read more...] about Living the “Car”stian Life – A Modern Allegory
Rainer, Why Churches Decline, and the Future of the SBC
Thom Rainer posted an article last week called "When Great Churches Fail." It was an intriguing examination of once great churches that had lost their grip an begun to struggle and dwindle. He identified three key elements that seem to be common elements in these declines. Hubris. The word means pride or excessive self-confidence. Here it refers to church leaders who have seen great days at their churches, and who are convinced that their churches are the models for others to emulate. They talk about the methods they used, instead of the biblical principles and passions behind the methods. … [Read more...] about Rainer, Why Churches Decline, and the Future of the SBC