Since we left Phoenix last week, the buzz has been about the Peter Lumpkins question and Al Mohler's response. We have dissected the exchange, analyzed them, autopsied them and elevated it to legendary status. However, if Peter had not gone to the microphone during the SBTS report, we might have spent this time talking about the resolution on immigration, which was the most pointed discussion we had at the convention. Here is the Resolution in full for you to read, and I will have some comments below. ON IMMIGRATION AND THE GOSPEL June 2011 WHEREAS, The Kingdom of God is made … [Read more...] about “Immigration and the Gospel” – the SBC’s Real Controversy
Why so much emphasis on being SBC?
On Sunday, during the prayer time at my church (Harvest Baptist in NW Indiana), I shared a report of my participation in the SBC annual meeting and offered prayer for our cooperative missions efforts. Later, I was graciously asked by one of my church members why I talked so much about the SBC and was so loyal to a denomination. Here is my response... _____ Dear XXXXX, I love the SBC precisely because of its "community of churches collaboration." The word "denomination" is an unfortunate label that does not accurately describe Harvest's relationship with the SBC. Rather, we … [Read more...] about Why so much emphasis on being SBC?
Reclaiming Tattered Integrity
(Note: I just attended the Exodus Freedom Conference in Asheville, North Carolina and the Southern Baptist Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Both meetings gave me great reasons to be encouraged that the church is embracing the idea of extending grace towards people who struggle with sexual brokenness, in the hope of healing and restoration. During this time, Rep. Anthony Weiner's story unfolded on the national scene. It prompted me to share this excerpt from my book Surviving Sexual Brokenness: What Grace Can Do.) Not what my hands have done can save my guilty soul; Not what my toiling … [Read more...] about Reclaiming Tattered Integrity
Reflections on SBC 2011 – One more SBC Voice
I began attending the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1999 in Atlanta. That first year, I was a newly appointed church planter with virtually no money. My wife graciously said I could attend…if I could do it for $100. So, between the free luncheons, gracious older pastors who chose to feed me, and three nights in the International Youth Hostel, I made my way to Atlanta to my first Convention. Since that time, I have missed only two meetings due to a seminary deadline and the birth of my third child. I have found attendance at the annual meeting to be an important part of … [Read more...] about Reflections on SBC 2011 – One more SBC Voice
Ministering to those Struggling with Same-Sex Desires
I received this post from a friend who requested anonymity. I appreciate his willingness to share this very personal struggle. I hesitate to write these words and I write with anonymity because I am not so bold as others who share their struggles. At the recent Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Albert Mohler responded to a question and gave an impassioned plea for the evangelical community at large to repent of half-truths it has told and homophobia it has displayed towards those in homosexual relationships and struggling with same-sex desires. In a limited sphere of the blogging world, at … [Read more...] about Ministering to those Struggling with Same-Sex Desires
The Woven Evangelist
I have shared with you some thoughts on Woven Theology, today I want to share what I find the most freeing part of this theological system. I get to be involved with God, I am responsible to do my job, but the results are not mine. Let me explain a little further. The work of Salvation involves us, God and a lost person. I will look at each one of these individuals, and what their responsibility and function is in this process. By the end, I hope you will feel as free and liberated in sharing your faith as I do. It's not a burden, it's a joy. Our first responsibility is to prayer. … [Read more...] about The Woven Evangelist
What Determines Identity?
We are five Christian Americans living in Ecuador. We eat Chinese stir fry, Italian pizzas, Southern pot roast, Spanish paella, Mexican burritos, Ecuadorian salsa de aji, Chilean empanadas, and Venezuelan arepas. We were born in Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina, Maryland, and Venezuela. We’ve celebrated birthdays in Texas, Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Israel, Gaza, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Tennessee, to name a few. We use American Sign Language and English at home. The kids use English and Spanish at school. We use Spanish and … [Read more...] about What Determines Identity?
Monday’s Ministry Musing: Angels and the Gospel
People are fascinated with angels. This is not a new thing. The church at Colossae (or at least false teachers there) had a fascination with angelic beings. And I suppose they are quite fascinating. But you want to know what is even more fascinating? The gospel. How crazy that angels long to “look into the gospel” (1 Pet. 1:12); we are bored with the gospel and long to look into angels. What is even crazier is that this idiocy is probably part of what has the angels so baffled. God redeems a humanity filled with idolaters, guilty of sin no less treasonous than the angels that … [Read more...] about Monday’s Ministry Musing: Angels and the Gospel
Al Mohler’s Response to Peter Lumpkins: The Complete Video
Here is it, folks. You can watch the entire exchange and make your minds up. Fair warning, emotions are running high on this issue. This site will not be hosting a "bash-a-thon" for either participant in this exchange. Let's deal with the content of the discussion (well, the question and the answer.) … [Read more...] about Al Mohler’s Response to Peter Lumpkins: The Complete Video
No More C Word
I have been known to claim the title of Calvinist, but I have discovered the fatal flaw in that word. It means too many things, and everyone hears what they want to hear when the C-bomb gets dropped. Immediately people make assumptions about my theology and where I stand on certain issues. Many people have no idea what is really means, but have either positive or negative views of it. To add insult to injury, apparently there are some at the SBC who believe that all Calvinist should pack up and leave. I think we have been blamed for a decrease in Baptisms recently as well. Today I am … [Read more...] about No More C Word