One of the best, and worst, aspects of being a Southern Baptist is our firmly held belief that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. Absolutely everyone should have a platform to share that opinion. The fact that I can write what I’m about to write and publish it on this blog is evidence of that reality. In fact, our polity allows us a unique position among other ecclesiastical bodies that make up the American evangelical landscape. This freedom gives us the confidence of always knowing that our voice can be heard, but I wonder if there are times when we take this freedom too … [Read more...] about When is too much? (by Micah Fries)
Stronger Than Hell
I can't remember ever doubting the existence of hell. As much as I believe "there is a God," I believe "there is a hell." I don't think I ever had an issue with the idea that "there is a judgment" either and that God decides who goes to hell, no matter how many times we may hear people throughout our lives telling others to "go to" or "burn in," or see someone wiping the sweat from their brows or the tears from their eyes, struggling to pick themselves back up after, saying "this is." No, it's not. I don't really like the idea of hell, but I accept it as part of God's plan . . . … [Read more...] about Stronger Than Hell
Finishing Well to the Glory of God: A Book Review
This book review originally appeared Wednesday at sbcIMPACT! If you know someone who is entering the twilight of life, or who is facing a terminal illness, you need to see that they receive a copy of Dr. John Dunlop's book, "Finishing Well to the Glory of God" published by Crossway. It is available from Amazon for less than $11, from CBD for $12, and from Crossway as a download for $10. It is well worth it. Dr. Dunlop practices medicine in Zion, IL and has come face-to-face with some of the ethical and moral problems that modern medicine has created. Should we fight death to the finish, … [Read more...] about Finishing Well to the Glory of God: A Book Review
the sanctification of the church
This post originally appeared on my blog August 25, 2010. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.—2 Corinthians 3:18 Sanctification. Big word. Basically, it means that we are in the process of becoming holy—becoming more like Jesus. When we are justified from our sins we are also sanctified and look forward to being glorified. But there is a process here in our individual lives. It’s a struggle that starts the day we are born (born … [Read more...] about the sanctification of the church
Learn to Exegete, you look really lame!
So today I am climbing on a soap box. Some of you may disagree, some may agree and some may just plain get mad, but I'm gonna say it. It's a pet peeve, an annoyance, it's dangerous and makes pastors looks dumb (at least I think they look dumb). I really don't care of you think I'm wrong, cause honestly, I don't think most American pastors can exegete their way out of a wet paper bag. There are all sorts of examples for this, passages yanked out of context. Today I want to look at one. I hear this one pulled out of context, used and abused and it's just flat wrong. It's used in sermons, … [Read more...] about Learn to Exegete, you look really lame!
CP Math: 50/50 = 55/45 or 60/40 (by William Thornton)
Another "Plodder" examination of the workings of the Cooperative Program. William Thornton is the SBC Plodder and always has an interesting perspective on the SBC's inner workings. Editor's note: If you want a good laugh, follow the link and read the Rev. Dr. Thornton's latest post about Theological Triage. Nice work. Now, back to the CP I blogged earlier in Cooperative Program Confusion about how state conventions, by utilizing accounting presentation techniques that are perfectly reasonable and understandable to them, probably confuse average Southern Baptists about the distribution … [Read more...] about CP Math: 50/50 = 55/45 or 60/40 (by William Thornton)
The SBC & a Collapsing Big Tent Philosophy
This post was originally published on From Law to Grace on May11, 2011. Advocates of a big tent believe that people with a broad variety of political approaches and viewpoints can unite within a single party to advance shared core issues, even if they disagree in other areas. This way the party can attract a large base of support at the polls. (full article here) The "Big Tent" political philosophy remains alive and well in our nation today. We are beginning to see some Republicans -- particularly supporters of Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels -- advocate for the Big Tent. What these people … [Read more...] about The SBC & a Collapsing Big Tent Philosophy
How to Plant a Church with Little or No Outside Funding (by Les Puryear)
Les Puryear is in the process of planting a church with very little funding. At his blog, "Joining God in His Work", he gave some very helpful suggestions how someone might plant a church without a large bankroll behind him. I asked him for permission to reprint that here. With all the discussion over the funding of church planting, I thought I would share how we are planting a new Southern Baptist church with no outside funding. Yes, that's right; no outside funding. It can be done. Here's how we're doing it. 1. Get a secular job. Don't take any salary from the new church until the … [Read more...] about How to Plant a Church with Little or No Outside Funding (by Les Puryear)
It Ain’t About the Benjamins
The nation’s economy is in a crunch. Unemployment rates are high, gas is high, utilities are high, the dollar is falling…translate this to church and the SBC: giving is down and the Cooperative Program is down. Many churches are having to slash budgets (including mine—our budget year ends the last day of June and it looks like we are going to have a 20%+ budget shortfall). And now come the calls that we need to give more—pastors do it from the pulpit, deacons do it (I personally know of one church from my past where a different deacon is now getting up in front of the congregation each … [Read more...] about It Ain’t About the Benjamins
The More Excellent Way! Paul’s Solution for a Splintered SBC
Paul had some great churches that he had planted, but he had one dysfunctional fellowship that he was continually correcting and trying to set back on the right path - the church at Corinth. Corinth was a splintered church in just about every way. For goodness sakes, they even found a way to observe the Lord's Supper in a divisive way! Paul corrected their arrogant, divisive attitudes, their immorality, their wrong attitudes about marriage, their disagreements over matters of personal conscience, their abuse of the Lord's Supper. Then, in 1 Corinthians 12, Paul addressed their divisions … [Read more...] about The More Excellent Way! Paul’s Solution for a Splintered SBC