I don't know if any of you listen to "The White Horse Inn" but it is a great radio program that you should check out. They have started to do a series examining Galatians. To start this new series they went to a conservative, evangelical Bible college and simply asked, "What is the book of Galatians about?" It was almost jaw dropping to hear some of these responses and how completely wrong they were. One would think they had never read Galatians or that it had been a very, very long time since they had last read it. They gave typical Sunday school answers and answers that people who … [Read more...] about Fighting Biblical and Theological Ignorance
Women Preachers: Is Lottie Moon Our Standard?
This post is by Kevin Howard: Southern Baptists owe much to Lottie Moon. As a missionary, I probably owe her more. She did much for what is now the IMB. Her work was risky, exhausting, and commendable, to say the least. (Listen to Danny Akin's sermon, The Power of a Consecrated Life Lived Out in the Ministry of Lottie Moon.) While I'm no expert on her life, I've read a bit about her from various sources. I'm currently reading Catherine B. Allen's, The New Lottie Moon Story, 1980. Allen is undoubtedly an admirer of the great Moon and seems to give a fair portrayal of her subject's … [Read more...] about Women Preachers: Is Lottie Moon Our Standard?
Holy Subversion Giveaway
I won't do this every time a SBC blogger has a book giveaway, but Trevin Wax is a friend and I have personally read his new book Holy Subversion and I HIGHLY recommend it. Therefore, go to- Ex Libris, and try to win it! When you don't win it go to amazon or wherever you choose and BUY IT! … [Read more...] about Holy Subversion Giveaway
Interpreting the Book of Revelation
*this is a post I wrote on my own blog a few days ago- thought itd make some good conversation! The book of Revelation has 2 different genres in it: 1) Apocalyptic literature and 2) Historical Narrative. We always interpret narrative literally- Genesis, Exodus, the Gospels, etc... Apocalyptic literature is another story. Throughout the whole Bible the biblical authors often times interpret apocalyptic literature symbolically. All throughout the Bible apocalyptic literature events are described symbolically. In the book of Revelation there is a tension- we have to try and differentiate … [Read more...] about Interpreting the Book of Revelation
GCRTF Progress Report
You can read the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force's Progress Report- here. You can watch it- here. There will be posts written soon about certain aspects of the progress report in order to discuss some of the Task Force's "findings" and suggestions. For now, if there is anything specific you want to discuss now, the comment thread is open! … [Read more...] about GCRTF Progress Report
Sharing The Gospel, incorporating advice from Bill Hybels
In Bill Hybels' book, Just Walk Across the Room, Hybels asks the reader to write a faith story in 100 words or less. The faith story is supposed to be used as an evangelism tool when time is short. If you only have 45 seconds to give someone a message, instead of telling them about your life, I would suggest you tell them the Gospel. The exercise is the similar to what Hybels suggests. However, instead of sharing about yourself, present the gospel, which has the power to bring men to Christ. Hybels other advice is good: Keep it short, use common language, be humble, and be clear. I've … [Read more...] about Sharing The Gospel, incorporating advice from Bill Hybels
Sex and the Church: Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell?
When Christ said: 'I was hungry and you fed me,' he didn't mean only the hunger for bread and for food; he also meant the hunger to be loved. Jesus himself experienced this loneliness. He came amongst his own and his own received him not, and it hurt him then and it has kept on hurting him. The same hunger, the same loneliness, the same having no one to be accepted by and to be loved and wanted by. Every human being in that case resembles Christ in his loneliness; and that is the hardest part, that's real hunger." -- Mother Teresa When I was in college, I spent a summer in Bangladesh, … [Read more...] about Sex and the Church: Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell?
The meaning of the cross
When you have only a few words to work with, can you remain a faithful witness? Try explaining the meaning of the cross in 140 characters or less. The best description, as determined by voters, wins 25 copies of Pursuing God by author and SBC Pastor, Jim Elliff. Use them for outreach in your church or personal evangelism. Got all the details and enter by Monday February 15th on the Witnesses Unto Me blog. Jason Smathers Blog Twitter … [Read more...] about The meaning of the cross
Women and SBC Ministry: Clarifying the 2000 BF&M
This post is written by Kevin L. Howard Should Southern Baptist women use the Scriptures to teach or train men in Sunday school or other settings? It's a simple thesis with many implications, so let's get into it. The Baptist Faith & Message of 2000 and Scripture Article 6, The Church, of the BF&M 2000, says, "While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture." I agree with this BF&M statement. I just wished it went further. Scripture doesn't say, "Women can't pastor or hold the office of … [Read more...] about Women and SBC Ministry: Clarifying the 2000 BF&M
There is more to Holiness than Abstaining
Abstain from those things which are ungodly. Abstain from that which appears ungodly. Abstain from specific things scripture clearly defines as sin--gossip, talebearing, strife, pride. Abstain from foolish and unwise things. Abstain from impurity--in thought, word, or deed. Can you manage that? Hmmmn. I tried for ten minutes and couldn't get past the "thought" portion. For instance: while I was writing that first paragraph I thought of all the folks who'd assign particulars to each sentence. I thought of arguments it may provoke. I thought irritating thoughts about irritating people. I … [Read more...] about There is more to Holiness than Abstaining