Baptism- No Need For Church Oversight Baptist churches observe two ordinances – baptism and the Lord’s supper; ordered by Christ. We reject the term “sacrament” because we believe that no saving grace is imparted by these observances, but that they are important because they symbolize the death of Jesus Christ in one way or another. We believe that only those who have professed faith in Christ may be baptized, and that by immersion. And we all agree that that the primary venue for the observance of these ordinances is the local church. The question at hand is … [Read more...] about Diverse Voices Debate: Is Church Oversight Essential for Baptism?
The Church Home: A Refuge in an Information-Overload Era?
Generations ago people wore hats to church on Sunday. Now they’re more likely to come with duct tape wrapped around their heads to prevent them from exploding from the 7-24 infusion of breaking news and cultural revision. Could it be that the constant cultural change blaring from our televisions, radios and the Internet on sites like Drudge, regurgitated on Facebook and Twitter and various blogs and forums is leaving us overwhelmed and searching for something truly constant? Could it be that Southern Baptists are yearning for a well-preached, on-target sermon, a clear and consistent Bible … [Read more...] about The Church Home: A Refuge in an Information-Overload Era?
Ready to Bear Some Burdens?
As we begin a new year in our churches, in the sense that summer is behind us, maybe it’s a good time for each of us to take a close look at the admonishment to bear each other’s burdens. Fulfilling the law of Christ might prevent many a fall this fall. No one disagreed that I was probably the worst vocalist in our high school church youth choir. I had been told I was a bass, so I was always on the back row, which was fine with me. The choir director would sometimes know something was amiss and he'd say "Let me just hear the bass row on this part," and he'd cup his ear and lean towards our … [Read more...] about Ready to Bear Some Burdens?
Ever heard that ten-percent of the people carry ninety-percent of the church? Around ten-percent are the tithers. Ten-percent are the mission-minded. Ten-percent are the leaders, the teachers, the servants. Many preachers lament that if everyone in the church tithed, the church could take care of all the needs of the church and have far more ministries. "Everyone in the church." Unfortunately, "everyone" is never going to do that. Not everyone is going to tithe and not everyone is going to serve. Why should we be surprised? It's nothing new. Remember when Jesus healed the ten lepers? He … [Read more...] about THE TEN-PERCENT FACTOR
Conventional Thinking with Al Mohler
I am very glad to report that I am restarting the Conventional Thinking blog directed at issues of importance for the Southern Baptist Convention and its churches. I am really excited about this new conversation and especially about the opportunities for asking all the big questions as we think about the future of our denomination. Yesterday, I delivered an address, "The Future of the Southern Baptist Convention," at a Presidential Forum on campus. Now, this video is available for you. Conventional Thinking Talk about another great Southern Baptist blog! … [Read more...] about Conventional Thinking with Al Mohler
What do Piper, Driscoll, Ware, Stetzer, Allison, and Storms have in common?
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Three staff members of Southern Baptist Convention entities are among eight leaders of a new leadership school being launched by Mars Hill Church, the Seattle, Wash., mega-church co-led by Mark Driscoll. Bruce Ware, Gregg Allison and Ed Stetzer will join Driscoll, John Piper and Sam Storms on the faculty of the Resurgence Training Center, a 36-hour graduate program in leadership. The faculty also includes executive director Rick Melson and Bill Clem, a leadership coach with the Acts 29 Network. The new school, according to the Mars Hill website, is intended to develop … [Read more...] about What do Piper, Driscoll, Ware, Stetzer, Allison, and Storms have in common?
An Important Issue for the GCR Task Force: More Dollars for International Missions
As our readers should now be aware, following a decisive vote at the annual Convention meeting, SBC president Johnny Hunt has appointed a Great Commission Task force to study how Southern Baptists can work "more faithfully and effectively together in serving Christ through the Great Commission." That task force will begin meeting next month. Of the number of particular issues that can be subsumed under such a study, one is of great interest and importance to me. While it is up to individual churches to put into practice many of the axioms in the GCR document, this issue addresses a … [Read more...] about An Important Issue for the GCR Task Force: More Dollars for International Missions
We've all heard it before. You know. "What's the matter with youth today?" No matter the generation, folks have their "tisk, tisk, tisk" commentary. When I was growing up, they shook their heads at kids who wore their hair like Elvis, and dressed like characters from "Grease". Then came The Beatles, and kids let their hair grow. I don't even want to talk about Haight Ashbury and the years of "love" and Woodstock. But in every generation there are "those" kind of kids who give all kids a reputation of being like them. The same is true for youth-groups. In some churches, the youth meet to … [Read more...] about WHAT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT YOUTH TODAY?
Has Morris Chapman Clarified Anything?
On Wednesday July 15th, Executive Committee president Morris Chapman issued a "clarification of intent" for the controversial statements he made during the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville, KY. I have read it through several times now, and honestly, all that has been clarified for me is that Morris Chapman still doesn't get it. The first thing that I think Chapman doesn't get is the inappropriateness of his comments. The speech in question was delivered during the Executive Committee report on the Tuesday morning of the convention. This was time allotted for a report on EC … [Read more...] about Has Morris Chapman Clarified Anything?
How Are You Known?
Today there are folks who know you. Some know you by the ministry you have in your particular area. Some know you as husband, wife, father, mother, friend. Still some may only know you by what you write, how you act and interact with others on the blogs. They only know you by your words, your behavior–your reputation. What do they know? How are you known? When I read the passage below from Romans, I paused and thought about what Paul is saying: “First, I thank God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because [the report of] your faith is made known to all the world and is commended … [Read more...] about How Are You Known?