As you know from my last contribution to SBC Voices, I am a big fan of science fiction. One common theme in science fiction is the idea of parallel universes. The multi-verse theory suggests, in part, that there are an infinite number of universes besides the one we inhabit. In scifi, the parallel universes are typically much like ours, but with differences, sometimes subtle, sometimes not-so-subtle. The protagonist is typically transported to a parallel world where he or she has to cope with the differences and find their way home.
I’m pretty open minded when it comes to a lot of science fiction themes, like life on other planets. But this multiverse theory, while entertaining, has never really seemed plausible to me. That is, until recently. You see, I can only assume I have somehow slipped into a parallel reality when I see Donald Trump leading in the polls for the Republican presidential nomination. I can only assume I have been transported to a world where the normal rules of the universe have been turned upside down. I can only assume I am far, far from my own reality when I see evangelical Christians, who had to hold their nose to vote for Mitt Romney in the last election, enthusiastically embracing a thrice-married, narcissistic, womanizing, lying misogynist. I can only assume I have come to a reality where the hatred of illegal Hispanic immigrants is so great that Trump’s outrageous rhetoric and cockamamie solutions (build a wall and have Mexico pay for it) are somehow finding traction. I have to assume something is very wrong with the world when the more often Trump says outrageously offensive and stupid things, the higher he goes in the polls.
Consider: This is the man who said “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ###, but she’s got to be young and beautiful.” This is the man who twice engages in a twitter tirade against Megyn Kelly, calling her a bimbo, because she asked him what he perceived to be an unfair question (about his misogyny). And this is the man some of you want as the leader of the free world? This is the man who says “I don’t do bankruptcy” and when it is rightfully pointed out that he in fact does do bankruptcy, he freaks out. This is the man who claims to have received the U.S. Marine’s “highest civilian award” when in fact what he received was an award from a charity that he had pledged $100,000 to. This is the man, reported only today, who says about Carly Fiorina: “Look at that face!, Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean, she’s a woman and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?” And then he turns around and says he wasn’t talking about her face, but her persona. This guy is a serial liar and misogynist. Like the guy on Zoolander, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
People say they like Trump because he’s not politically correct. He says things other people wish they could say but are too afraid. Seriously? Calling Rosie O’Donnell a fat slob is something ordinary people are dying to say? People wish they could call Megyn Kelly a bimbo? And so what? Is being non-PC really enough reason to have such a person in the oval office?
I have never had a religious litmus test for political office. Martin Luther is quoted as saying he would rather be ruled by a wise Turk than a foolish Christian. While the authenticity of that quote has been disputed, I pretty much agree with the sentiment. So while Romney may not have been my ideal candidate, his Mormonism didn’t present a problem for me. But what about Trump’s faith? He has been shown recently saying the bible is his favorite book, but he declines to name his favorite verses. He has very publically stated he hasn’t asked God for forgiveness, but he is impressed with eating his little cracker and drinking his little glass of wine. An uninspiring testimony if I ever heard one. I don’t care what Trump’s faith is, although I suspect Trump’s god is Trump. But I really, really don’t like politicians pandering to people of faith. Why do we keep falling for it?
I don’t know if I can get back to my own reality, since I don’t know how I got into this one. But I believe if there is a multi-verse then God created it and is sovereign over all of it. I’ll have to be content with that, but I pray the country wakes up before a Trump presidency becomes a reality. We don’t always get what we want, but as Christians, our standards ought to be higher than this.