This is meant as a discussion starter.
I have to admit a couple of things. First, I am pretty passionate about politics. Though I believe the church should not be devoted to political work, I am quite interested in it myself.
Second, I’m having a struggle with voting this year in the presidential election.
There is no way that I could ever vote for Barack Obama as president. First of all, I made a commitment long ago that if someone believes that killing a baby in its mother’s womb is acceptable, they do not get my vote. Abortion isn’t the only thing I care about, but it is certainly a big issue. Obama’s disregard for the deficit is troubling – four more years of him may bankrupt America – or at least set us on a course that will inexorably lead to European-style bankruptcy. His flip-flop and now passionate advocacy of homosexual marriage is troubling, at best. Frankly, there is just not much that I like about Barack Obama’s policies.
Under no circumstances would I even consider voting for Obama for a second term.
And I’m not much for third party candidacies that have about as much chance of succeeding as do the Kansas City Royals. The Royals are not going to win the World Series and neither is a third-party candidate. Most of the third party candidates being floated seem like they would help Obama gain a second term and I cannot support that.
But, I am less than enthusiastic about voting for Mitt Romney.
While he holds several of the same positions I do, too many of them are late-life conversions. When he was governor of Massachusetts, he was liberal on some issues, but “saw the light” about the time he decided to run for national office as a Republican. That is concerning. How deep is his opposition to abortion? How real is his commitment to the issues I care about?
But one of my biggest quandaries is his Mormon faith. I consider Mormonism a false and deceptive religion that leads its adherents away from saving grace to a Christless and eternal hell. Yeah, I said it. Not only that, but Mormonism is actively evangelistic, attempting to sway people, especially nominal Christians, into believing their bizarre lies as the truth.
I am aware that Romney is not running for “Pastor-in-chief.” But he is a Mormon, who speaks openly of his faith. A Romney election would likely benefit the Mormon faith in some way, and I cannot consider that a good thing.
One more thing. I do not think that politics and biblical faith should be divorced. Our understanding of the Bible should inform our voting.
So, here’s my discussion question today.
Explain, biblically and theologically, the basis of your intended vote. I’m not so much interested in policy things right now. Tell me, according to scripture, why it is okay for me, as a Christian, to vote for a man who adheres to a false faith that damns its followers to eternal hell. Or, tell me why you think that it is wrong. I’m interested in hearing the theology that informs your politics.
(Wow, this discussion could SO go haywire!)
Oh, and one more question. Is it biblically acceptable to “make the best of a bad situation?” Is it enough to vote for Romney because “he’s not as bad as Obama?”